Message from @Innaswamp
Discord ID: 484152830626627595
They are both memes
I know, that's why it might be interesting to do a .50 Beowulf pistol with a 5" barrel and a loudener on it
Do you like your hearing
Don’t do an AR9. They have a lot of parts breakages because of bolt velocity.
Better than an adapter
I know everyone wants them, but PCC groups are full of people trying to figure shit out
I like the evo most
I like the Evo as well, but I can't get one right now
Under 21
I’d probably get a CZ Scorpion. But that Ruger PC is pretty sweet and I have probably two dozen Glock mags
Ruger is eh
Just as a brand?
I was finger fucking a pcc and it was just ok
I think they’ve done some smart design decisions with it.
Gun stores around here can’t keep them on the shelves
My lgs is not for poors
Sub2k’s used to be unobtaniun
Now every LGS has one on the wall
They still last maybe a day
I bought mine years ago. It’s cool, but only because it folds in half
Otherwise it’s pretty meh
That's its main gimmick
I need to find a good place in the truck to keep it
My lgs usually has cool shit like scar hs and an acr
Or some other rare shit
I almost got a fish gun
Which fish gun
Ooof. If only I could find one
Dry bag time
Watershed ™ Yee yee