Message from @nbp
Discord ID: 490729589417705492
M16k is dank
But how about we take 16" dissipator
And remove FSB, go to 14.5" and flat top upper?
no no no
Only if you put on a solid stock and throw the biggest scope you can on it
superior AR carbines
Doe carbines are cool but pistol cal
Yeah dude I love ‘em
I want one with one of those carry handle forward pic rails for a sight
75gr 5.56 tho
Also I think you mean a gooseneck mount
To cowitness shit with fixed ones
Thats the proper term
It's a stupid term
But with an original stock etc
I don’t really like XM177 stocks but it works in these
>that massive optic
Real fucking vampir sight hours
@Sadmin when we training boi
When you stop being homogay
>P1 cleaning kit
If I’m not able to bid on this gun and lose because gunbroker is taking forever approving my two forms of ID I’m gonna be so mad