Message from @Nic386
Discord ID: 507253113707823107
im not saying they cant
im saying its a better plinker forthe price
ive seen guys hit 500- 700 with mosin open sights
with surplus
You pull the trigger enough times you’re eventually gonna hit something
@Noodles noodi can t remember for the life of me what the gr is but my buddy runs the silver tip surplus through his pu and has damm good luck.
Tfw m38 within walking distance
its like 150 low end
Any other k/omanndos eating lunch?
The fuck is lunch
the food you eat after before brunch i think
I ate lunch and I'm waiting around for friends to get out of class
Gonna enjoy some brewskis
Jerichos aren't Deagles
but they are goy
and for whatever reason marketed as "baby eagles" when they were first introduced
Lmao poors just buy a psl instead of some shitted up rusty mosin
>being in a shitlib state
Those mosins are literally rusted shut
Sweaty ben strikes again
Imma be real witchu chief mosins ain't worth shit rusted shut or nah, no way I'm wasting my money on that
Fuck Mosins. They were good for a short period of time cause the market allowed for it. Ie: They were cheap.
Now every retard has one.
^^^Same shit with sks'
Oh fuck he's right
I mean, no
The SKS is cheap because of market saturation
They’re built a lot better than mosins, and are far more reliable
People that insist they’re the best rifle ever are morons, but they’re pretty nice.
True. I'd rather have an SKS than a Rust t00b
The only thing that makes the sks 60 years obsolete is the fixed magazine
Every other feature makes it a good bargain bang bang
ay boys imma be real, i see a lot of weapon malfunction pages and what weapons not to buy, but what brands/models do you guys trust and reccomend for me to sink my poorfag bucks into??
Find a pre-freedom-group Remington shotgun for el cheap, or a Mossberg 500/ 590
Those are the solid gold starter shotguns
Really a preference for which you like more