Message from @Vanguard
Discord ID: 306925782692003850
when we have ncos that have legit been shot that can get a 270+
yeah she got fucked on coordination side
and the college groups got tiny heart syndrome
tbh being at UCB would just be every day able to rustle and trigger
id probably be thrown out doe
and how 'based' do you think the republicans are at berkeley anyways
It is weird, lots of lower enlisted have been failing
probably muh constitution types
They just don't give a shit I guess
yeah because they come back from boot and buy a fucking xbox and sit on it
Kek yep
I got a hard on for getting those new harris radios soon tbh
Same. I Got to learn some of the Australian troops radio's. HNNG so nice
Veterans of Jewish wars make great troops for the moobment.
😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
HNNGGGG the JTACS had something similar to that with us
It's so badass dude
just got this for my carrier
They had PRC 117G's and like mystery ranch bags for them
Was super jelly
I need a new vidya to channel my autism
Buddhism is a fuckin thot religion
It certainly is
does it REALLY need to be explained
this is a fairly intuitive correlation
No consequences for thottery
what you say: i'm a bisexual anti-feminist anti-sjw egalitarian
what we hear: i'm a thot who lives for cum, validate me orbiters!
Except shitty reincarnation
lol ok
I hope dead thots reincarnate as a delicious animal so I can shit them out
Dharma wheel keeps spinning no matter what
It don't matta
Even amidst the Inferno of Hell, the Thots scramble to stand atop the Orbiters so that they may be a Hande or Foote further from the Flamme.