Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 463734558718820362
“Gun rights are about keeping white men on top” by Nathan Wuertenberg on Washington Post
Anti white article claiming that the exclusive reason for gun ownership in America is white supremacy. This article is filled with fantastical historical revisionism.
Yep, nevermind the fact that once any people that have encountered the use of guns have realised their value, they too also started using guns. Easy examples of this are: the Japanese, "native" American Indians, Arabs, Iranians, Ottomans, most places in Africa, India, China... Actually, the Chinese first used blackpowder for fireworks, and then early guns. Last I check, Asians are not exactly considered white people.
Obviously, article is trash.
The left is trash
If you’ve ever eaten here, and you have a Yelp account. Why not take the time to leave a completely honest review.
“ Bernie Sanders is not the left” by Sarah Jones on The New Republic
The left has become so radical in its communist revolutionary agenda, that it has begun to purge Democratic Socialist like Sanders for being to centrist.
what the hell is ice
Immigration and Customs Enforcement @Darinda
“ Legal experts say Mueller team likely gained access to NRA tax filing: report “ by Avery Anapol on The Hill
Mueller brings another red herring to the Trump Russia investigation. The truth is unimportant. This is propaganda set to attack the NRA and Trump in one blow.
Man what a waste of time
Congratulations, @Blonald Blumph for reaching level 9!
I am not only one that think America in the next 5 to 10 years would have second civil war or I'm just paranoid
No, a few YouTubers have done videos about this.
Trump ends Obama’s racist college admissions guidelines in favor of race neutral admission standards.
I love Trump
I will never understand Merkel's sudden shift on immigration
its been bothering me for months
I saw that video, too, Blu. The words she said there surprised me. All comes to show she is just a virtue-signaling hypocrite.
Her position in power of authority is being threatened by the conservative backlash gaining powerful momentum. Due to all the rapes, violent crimes and atrocities committed by "refugees". If she doesn't change her stance/policy on immigration, she'll be dethroned
^^^Robert Mueller can't answer Trey Gowdy's questions. Got pimped
my life
Momdads everywhere celebrate
This is genderbashing
Anyone wanting equality of outcome between men and women or that one/both of those gets marginalized is genderbashing