Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 483075708759965737

2018-08-25 23:56:13 UTC  

The problem isnt 99% alcohol

2018-08-25 23:56:20 UTC  

Its chocolate liquor

2018-08-25 23:56:29 UTC  

Its fucking disgusting

2018-08-25 23:57:31 UTC  

I'd never drunked chocolate Liquor

2018-08-25 23:57:53 UTC  

How it tastes?

2018-08-25 23:58:20 UTC  


2018-08-25 23:58:28 UTC  


2018-08-25 23:58:30 UTC  

I cant describe it

2018-08-25 23:58:39 UTC  

It just fucking bad

2018-08-25 23:58:43 UTC

2018-08-25 23:58:46 UTC

2018-08-25 23:59:24 UTC  

You stop that

2018-08-25 23:59:24 UTC  

Harry Potter And Junkfood prince

2018-08-25 23:59:30 UTC  


2018-08-25 23:59:38 UTC  


2018-08-26 00:00:17 UTC  

Oh wait...This is the Politics part :/

2018-08-26 00:00:33 UTC  

Damn,i'm sorry man

2018-08-26 00:01:03 UTC

2018-08-26 00:01:55 UTC  

Ok now we will transfer our asses to <#428021940414840834> @KinkyJacques @Armadeira - The Brazilian

2018-08-26 00:03:01 UTC  


2018-08-26 00:50:24 UTC  

“ Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting” by Jim Sciutto, Carl Bernstein, and Marshal Cohen on CNN

This is fake news. Cohen has repeatedly denied this, even after signing a plea deal with the FBI over tax charges. The media pushed this narrative hard, and it all started with CNN. They still haven’t corrected this article or made a retraction. I don’t expect that they will. CNN is the king of fake news.

2018-08-26 23:26:51 UTC  

“ Those payments to women were unseemly. That doesn’t mean they were illegal” by Bradly Smith on The Washington Post

This former Chairman of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) points out that Cohens, facing life in prison, saved himself with that guilty plea after becoming the target of prosecutors with political motives. His plea doesn’t in of itself prove anything. He goes on to explain that even if you were to stretch and contort this law out of its normal bounds, it would likely result is only a fine, and could have unintended consequences.

2018-08-28 07:58:18 UTC  

ahh the left. THE SHOOTER IS WHITE lets do a party, oh wait it was a lefty hating trump crickets suddenly, form partying to complete silence

2018-08-28 07:58:18 UTC  

Congratulations, @𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓚𝓗𝓣𝓞𝓢 for reaching level 2!

2018-08-28 12:46:50 UTC  

“ Lanny Davis, the ultimate Clinton loyalists,is now Michael Cohens lawyer. But don’t call it revenge “ by on Washington Post

Davis who is the orchestrator of the Cohen plea deal, and is the fake news source of the claim that Cohen said that Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting in advance, is a pawn of the Clintons. He gave counsel to Bill Clinton during his presidency and worked as a surrogate in the Hillary campaign. He writes and spreads propaganda on their behalf. In fact, according to Cohen himself, he considered asking the Clintons for permission to represent Cohen. Really makes you think.

2018-08-29 23:11:52 UTC  

CNN news analyst Jeffery Toobin claims that criticism or concerns about Antifa are racist. He justifies this by saying that Antifa is perceived as an African American group. Which is absurd. Everyone knows it’s filled with weak, effeminate, lily white, soy boy, communist with humanities degrees. CNN is fake news.

2018-08-30 10:10:51 UTC  

and when you try to destroy countries you have what?? you get patriots which later are named fascisst and nazi

2018-08-30 10:11:41 UTC  

when people understand that nazism and fasicms is a reaction to stop the country going to heel from liberal bullshit and would never exist if liberals did not destroy the countries?/

2018-08-30 12:42:46 UTC  

“ The School shootings that weren’t “ by Anya Kamenetz , Alexis Arnold and Emily Cardinali on NPR

NPR attempted to independently verify 240 reported school shootings that happened between 2015 and 2016. Turns out most didn’t happen. Only 11 out of 240 were true.

Facebook removed this NPR article labeling it spam and claiming it violated community guidelines.

2018-08-30 12:55:09 UTC  

math is racist

2018-08-30 12:55:17 UTC  

if they said 240 it must be for sure more

2018-08-30 12:55:32 UTC  

because we all knwo 109% of school shotings go unreported

2018-08-30 12:57:12 UTC  


2018-08-30 12:58:30 UTC  

not to mention sexist why there are nto female mass hooterss??

2018-08-30 12:59:04 UTC  

we need more female school shooters know , the patriarchy will not keep the women down

2018-08-30 13:02:45 UTC  

not to mention all the rapes that happens during the shooting that no one talks about it!!! men throwing women in the floor, they talk to them without consent and ORDER them to hit the floor and shut up THE TERROR . a man telling a woman why to do after al it si 39574906794732964 what ever year . Stop the rapes during the shooting. WORDS HURT MORE THAN BULLETS

2018-08-30 13:11:36 UTC  

''and when you try to destroy countries you have what?? you get patriots which later are named fascisst and nazi'' you know thos are actual nazi's right?

2018-08-30 13:16:18 UTC  

and?? the rpoblem is??