Message from @Kacper98
Discord ID: 530536759482777615
I take pills for that shit
And i used to hit people a lot
Now i don't
But i take pills still
For like now 7 years dam i had depression
My depression is helped when am with my gf
But when am stressed or not with her am crazy and sad
Especially when stressed
I just get more stress when am stress
And i go crazy when stress i just break down
And when not with my gf for some time i go crazy
And am anti social as fuck and just sorta socially broke
Having a dominant GF has never been considered a god things so maybe?
It helped me mate
Its not bad
It helped me
I was antisocial before i met her and depressed and crazy
Less sinful and less lusty and more religous thanks to her
Me when kids try to talk to me in school
<:BeGone:435054909163962369> <:BeGone:435054909163962369> <:BeGone:435054909163962369>
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