Message from @Flash
Discord ID: 530539644081930240
I stopped hitting and attacking people after i met her and got better
Less sinful and less lusty and more religous thanks to her
Me when kids try to talk to me in school
<:BeGone:435054909163962369> <:BeGone:435054909163962369> <:BeGone:435054909163962369>
@AcrossThePond Welcome!
Welcome to the Server! Please setup up your Idealogy and Nationality in <#491360014896857089> .You can find the Idealogy commands in <#491367005300064256> and if some nationality and/or idealogy is missing feel free to inform staff!
Macron's popularity has totally tanked
75% disapproval
Pond look
@Flash Lies!
Makaroni is still approved!
Let's raid leftypol
What's that
Let me come
Cuz advertising
Calm down we have a guest
Leftypol is the leftist alternative to 4chan @Flash
You sound like a parent
Reeeee mom no
I'm your daddy
No homo
What can i call my gf
My master?
Calling her mommy would be werid