Message from @Kathryn44

Discord ID: 567022466849832981

2019-04-14 15:50:25 UTC  

"Frankly I don’t think Congress — particularly not this group of congressmen and women — are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be," she said on "Fox News Sunday."

2019-04-14 15:50:41 UTC  

❤ Sarah Sanders LOL

2019-04-14 15:56:38 UTC  

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd claimed Sunday that it is “absolutely legal” for the federal government to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities.

Judd argued during a “Fox & Friends” segment that President Donald Trump’s proposed plan to do just that was “brilliant” and should have been cheered by people on both sides.

“It’s absolutely legal,” Judd explained. “But I’m going to get better up by the hard left for this comment. But this is actually a brilliant move on the president’s part.” (RELATED: ‘CHANGE THE LAWS NOW!’: Trump Takes Aim At Sanctuary Cities, Democrats)

Judd went on to detail the “two layers” he saw at work in the proposed plan.

“If he’s doing it for humanitarian purposes, he should be praised,” Judd began. “These are cities that the city councils have consciously made a decision they’re going to accept the illegal aliens into their cities to protect them.”

But then Judd addressed the flip side, saying, “If he’s doing it for political reasons, this is brilliant. These people have to be released for one reason or another. And if we’re going to have to release them, why not show the sanctuary cities the same pressure that other cities are feeling.”

“From those two layers, this is a brilliant move,” Judd concluded.

2019-04-14 16:00:57 UTC

2019-04-14 16:02:10 UTC  

Anonymous 04/14/19 (Sun) 10:41:26 Did President Trump send us a message on the 17th month and 17th day anniversary of Q’s first drop?

2019-04-14 16:07:55 UTC  

Sorry I do not believe he meant I love Q. I think he was just straightalking fed. But eh I'm not a bad ads computer guy so..

2019-04-14 16:10:28 UTC  

Just sharing an anons thoughts on POTUS tweet

2019-04-14 16:10:53 UTC  

Good morning @SpiritBear_1491

2019-04-14 16:12:08 UTC  
2019-04-14 16:13:05 UTC  


2019-04-14 16:14:05 UTC

2019-04-14 16:14:58 UTC  

Sure comes across as inciting Political Violence against Conservatives and white people

2019-04-14 16:17:28 UTC  

Not available, @PrairieGhost prairie-may be a Cnd issue.

2019-04-14 16:21:29 UTC

2019-04-14 16:21:35 UTC  

Why do so many Democrats have book deals that "earn" so much money? Is this another way for them to laundry money?

2019-04-14 16:24:50 UTC  

Oh wow...did she know she had a half sister?

2019-04-14 16:27:43 UTC  


2019-04-14 16:27:49 UTC  

so why is the Chicago Tribune the one to release that story on camel toe?

2019-04-14 16:27:56 UTC  

yes i said that lol

2019-04-14 16:28:14 UTC  

I know..rather interesting

2019-04-14 16:28:18 UTC  


2019-04-14 16:35:55 UTC  

Alsways pay attention to what yer Mil is doing.

2019-04-14 16:36:08 UTC  

Even if their just "training"

2019-04-14 16:36:26 UTC  

Mil doesnt train on things it wont be up against

2019-04-14 16:36:37 UTC  

Oka back to you tube songs

2019-04-14 16:36:43 UTC  

I find some of the various Military tweets rather interesting

2019-04-14 16:37:16 UTC

2019-04-14 16:41:54 UTC  

Another Fake Story on @NBCNews that I offered Pardons to Homeland Securiy personnel in case they broke the law regarding illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Of course this is not true. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!

2019-04-14 16:42:10 UTC  

8:33 PM - 12 Apr 2019

2019-04-14 16:48:06 UTC  

well T F B

2019-04-14 16:49:05 UTC

2019-04-14 16:50:01 UTC  

Good morning/afternoon <a:wave_bye:541630776702271522> 🙂

2019-04-14 16:50:22 UTC  

sorry eating lunch

2019-04-14 16:50:27 UTC  

mouth full

2019-04-14 16:51:43 UTC