Message from @buttonblob

Discord ID: 640911056180346881

2019-11-04 13:09:25 UTC  

Monday Monday bah dah

2019-11-04 13:11:45 UTC  

Boomtown Rats...... I don't like Mondays @CrypticQ

2019-11-04 13:12:59 UTC  

Turn up the Bot @CrypticQ should play in a second

2019-11-04 13:46:19 UTC  

In the bus , im typing for a bit

2019-11-04 13:46:59 UTC  

@KARmA KATʑ omg you’re still up? Ehm this was the interview for my residence

2019-11-04 13:47:10 UTC  

It went alright but there’s an 8 week waiting list

2019-11-04 13:47:49 UTC  

@buttonblob -- I thought Q said never get on the bus... 😉

2019-11-04 13:48:03 UTC  

Yeah way too long and i can’t open a bank account yet because i need some sort of proof of adress and nhs and gp letters won’t do

2019-11-04 13:48:44 UTC  

And because i don’t own a house yet i don’t have a proper proof of adress until i hve my national@insurance number

2019-11-04 13:48:59 UTC  


2019-11-04 13:49:05 UTC  

Il just going to have t wait

2019-11-04 13:49:16 UTC  

And see if i get approved for a residence

2019-11-04 13:49:44 UTC  

Because if i do get approved i will have proof of adress and i will be able to open aan bank account

2019-11-04 13:50:04 UTC  

And above that getting a job without a bank account is pretty difficult

2019-11-04 13:50:26 UTC  

Yes they are

2019-11-04 13:50:58 UTC  

I will im not affraid of it its more that i need a course “ sitting on my hands “

2019-11-04 13:51:23 UTC  

But we’ll get there 🙂

2019-11-04 13:51:25 UTC  


2019-11-04 13:51:37 UTC  

@buttonblob -- is that done to keep folks from coming to live in England?

2019-11-04 13:51:43 UTC  

You too karma

2019-11-04 13:51:57 UTC  

@RAKRail it sure is a way to demotivate them haha

2019-11-04 13:51:57 UTC  

Good morning all😁🌻☕️.

2019-11-04 13:52:08 UTC  

Morning @lmbd

2019-11-04 13:52:16 UTC  

Morning @Searcher

2019-11-04 13:52:47 UTC  

Oh cool thanks!

2019-11-04 13:53:56 UTC  

So that was a reference to this bill @Searcher ?

2019-11-04 13:54:13 UTC  


2019-11-04 13:54:29 UTC  

Thats interesting

2019-11-04 13:55:00 UTC  

@RAKRail what is happening with Columbia U? I missed that part of the conversation.

2019-11-04 13:56:14 UTC  

@lmbd -- if you read the wiki, it notes that Columbia was the one to take up the fight against the President to prevent him from blocking others from his Twitter...

2019-11-04 14:01:29 UTC  

In sports
A thoroughbred racehorse called Covfefe won several significant races in 2018–2019.[71][72][73] Covfefe is a bay filly born in 2016.[71] She is a descendant of a champion racehorse Unbridled

2019-11-04 14:01:52 UTC TY @RAKRail Just started reading now. So... was the Dem REP who introduced the bill thinking he would trap the president, or was he “trapped”.

2019-11-04 14:02:24 UTC  

I think Covfefe won last year as well.

2019-11-04 14:03:48 UTC  

@lmbd -- That's a very good question regarding the person who introduced this. I have not looked into him. It would be interesting to see what @PrairieGhost would say about him since he is from Illinois.

2019-11-04 14:08:46 UTC  

The language is somewhat ummm.. snarky(?) .. Chicago Illinois.... so by preserving the Tweets etc, perhaps they were hoping to catch the president in a lie?

2019-11-04 14:18:00 UTC