Message from @adogrocket
Discord ID: 644729462528671744
Unless your happy with crappy
@CrypticQ ...... That was right when he said "Goats Milk Latte Drinking"
most people are like... wtf did Q just say?
let me help.
This last drop is the framework for 'how exactly the spying was able to happen'...
Q is walking us through it from FVEY (5eyes), to the NSA keys needed, all the way down to Clapper and Coats trying their hardest to cover/conceal the crime from reaching the public.
fill in the blanks, find out who was in what position that signed what, when... and you've got the answers you're looking for.
Q has those answers... the end is written.
Q wants YOU to be aware of what exactly is coming...
Does anyone smell burning popcorn 🍿?
<a:USA_wave:596742282342825984> <a:bstar:579683729136680960> <a:star_flag:595633806946467846> <a:USA_wave:596742282342825984> <a:bstar:596742389910208519> <a:star_flag:595643157119762442>
2pm for both
She destroys Wolf Blitzer
well he's more alive than that reporter in the embassy in turkey
I'm gonna check out too.... Catch you all tomorrow!
House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room
Oh wow the candle is burning.