Message from @MistyLynn
Discord ID: 646096360432730130
well slight topic shift -
if practice makes perfect, why does the medical and legal industry retire to practices
shouldn't they be perfect prior to getting cleared to work
meh, good enough saves lives too
better than nothing
depends on who's lives they save....are they saving their own or the ppl they provide services to
anyway...afk for a bit...i seem to be involved in at least 5-8 chats right now
and i need reload of hot choco
Dec 15th "sanctions coming" Iran next
Pompeo' presser is telling.
remember when he left the cia for sec of state
@Kiwi61Karma did you catch the world is watching
he told everybody at the press conference - in the cia, we're taught to lie, cheat and steal
so he's exposing the cia while at the same time saying that he may and could lie cheat and steal about anything he talks about
Friday-Barr' speech, today Pompeo. BOOM BOOM. Everything is ramping up
maybe in 2hrs, we'll find out whats next to boom
gee, i guess 6pm comes early
Mark Cady, the chief justice of the Iowa Supreme Court who wrote key decisions on gay marriage and abortion access that frustrated conservatives, died at the age of 66.
Cady died unexpectedly Friday night from a heart attack.
“Tonight, the state lost a great man, husband, father, grandfather, and jurist,” the family said in a statement posted on the court’s website, according to the Stamford Advocate.
The Iowa state Supreme Court described him as an exceptional judge who was respected and beloved by his fellow jurists.
“His passing is a great loss to the court and the state he so loyally served,” the court wrote.
Gov. Kim Reynolds ordered on Saturday all flags in Iowa to be lowered to half-staff and to remain that way until a memorial service is held. She said she was heartbroken to learn of his death.
After Republicans took control of the state legislature and governor’s office, Cady became a key swing vote on the court in recent years, particularly when Republicans passed new laws aimed at expanding gun rights, restricting abortion, and barring gay marriage.
Cady wrote the opinion in 2009 that made Iowa the nation’s third state to permit same-sex marriage, which came years before the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down gay marriage bans throughout the country.
The ruling led to a backlash from conservatives, who voted out three of the justices in 2010, though Cady wasn’t up for a retention vote that year.
Last year, Cady led a 5-2 majority of justices who concluded that a law requiring women to wait 72 hours before a doctor could perform an abortion was unconstitutional because “autonomy and dominion over one’s body go to the very heart of what it means to be free.”
The ruling angered conservatives and led to passage of a law this year that gave the governor more control over nominees to put on the courts.
The law also reduced Cady’s eight-year term as chief justice by three years, forcing him to step down as chief in 2021.
Cady sided with the majority in a 4-3 decision three years ago that barred sentences of life without parole for teenagers, finding it cruel and unusual punishment.
-``And he worked to limit a 2017 law that allowed guns to be carried in courthouses throughout the state.
After issuing an order banning guns from courthouses, he compromised with a revised order allowing county supervisors or other local government officials to file written requests to allow guns in their buildings.
Watch your 6
30:30 watch 👆
"Six o' clock can be dangerous". Q
Yep may be interesting
The Wages of Trump Fixation – @VDHanson
Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC today announced that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will testify before the Committee on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.