Message from @Aavelle

Discord ID: 651087485958357036

2019-12-02 15:01:24 UTC  

Pompeo says that rumors of him running for Senate are false.

2019-12-02 15:04:54 UTC  

House Rules - As we have been growing a bunch lately, we need folks to please be a bit more aware of one another's space. A little bit of self awareness will go a long way. When there are like ten or fifteen or more folks in a room, there needs to be less pontification and/or mic hogging. Keep it to a sentence or two and let up on the button, so other folks can also have a chance to participate. - i.e.
Respect one another & the ebb & flow of the conversation - Listen First - Talk Briefly - Lurk Moar
Let's remember that no one really knows Jack Shit at the end of the day and if you THINK you do.... take it to I AM AN EXPERT AT EVERYTHING room

2019-12-02 15:08:57 UTC

2019-12-02 15:12:46 UTC

2019-12-02 15:13:38 UTC  

Islam has NO PLACE in our society and is REPUGNENT to our Republic. Islam must be outlawed and all Muslims deported to the Islamic Utopia of thier choosing. IF IF IF they so decide to want to fight a Jihad on the streets then they SHALL ACCEPT the deadly consequences thereof; by doing so they will have declared war upon our Rpublic and We the PEople have the GOD GIVEN CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT to engage and take them out by any means neccesssary.

I know some people here in this Server might not like nor love that tyope of language BUT it's Factual Truth of The Law and do not argue with me about what The Law says, go agrue with and against The Law to The Law's face. I promise you will not get very far.

People want to WHOOP & HOLLAR about Jew this and Jew that, Israel this and Israel that. They need to be deathly worried about all these Islamic Mohammedan Muslims in America. ISrael and Jews are not the problem. ISLAMIC SHARIA LAW NUTJOBS & ABA-BAR Barrister Members are. ALL OF THEM.

Yes, I'm calling them all out. Yes, I am JUDGING tham all as one. What do you think they do in "Secret" to all of us? Folks, this is no joke. STOP being so TImid and Cowardice in your speech and expression.That what "THEY" want you to do. Do Not apease them on bit.Do Not submit to them one inch, They want to kill you.

2019-12-02 15:14:55 UTC  

πŸ‘† Lucifer Satan the devil running wild in Detriot.

2019-12-02 15:19:19 UTC  

It’s obvious that Bloomberg has never met God or Jesus.

2019-12-02 15:20:44 UTC

2019-12-02 15:29:56 UTC

2019-12-02 15:30:46 UTC

2019-12-02 15:31:53 UTC

2019-12-02 15:39:34 UTC  

Thank you

2019-12-02 15:49:13 UTC

2019-12-02 15:49:58 UTC

2019-12-02 15:50:41 UTC

2019-12-02 15:53:48 UTC  

is it raining or is he just showing us the umbrella? He has stood in the rain before with no umbrella.

2019-12-02 15:56:53 UTC  


2019-12-02 15:59:08 UTC  

I think it’s raining @Aavelle

2019-12-02 16:12:02 UTC  

What does the red ribbon in front of the White House mean?
The red ribbon, as an awareness ribbon, is used as the symbol for the solidarity of people living with HIV/AIDS, and for the awareness and prevention of drug abuse and drunk driving.

2019-12-02 16:37:59 UTC

2019-12-02 16:40:14 UTC  

@CrypticQ possible its the same fetus ?

2019-12-02 16:40:59 UTC  

Yes hands look the same

2019-12-02 16:41:24 UTC  

still creepy AF ... no pass here

2019-12-02 16:41:27 UTC  


2019-12-02 16:43:11 UTC  

i personnally wouldnt touch that jar .. even with a glove + a stick

2019-12-02 16:44:36 UTC  

WOW ... ijust been kicked out of a server ( without prenotice ) for posting a link to a website debunk the ilhna omar + imam of peace shit

2019-12-02 16:45:03 UTC  

this link .. was in response to someone still pushing the original story