Message from @BibleBot

Discord ID: 670521049183682560

2020-01-25 05:34:06 UTC

2020-01-25 05:36:20 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the โ€œSauceโ€ to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just โ€œchit chatโ€ with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-01-25 05:37:31 UTC  
2020-01-25 05:52:23 UTC

2020-01-25 05:58:03 UTC  
2020-01-25 06:10:17 UTC  

Here is an example of how Dutchsinse used to livestream. He was wonderful at explaining the plate shifts and how the earthquakes would generate new ones. Not sure how long this video will stay up.

2020-01-25 06:12:40 UTC  

Here is one he posted 11 hours ago!

2020-01-25 06:20:45 UTC  

Shows where the tectonic plates are ๐Ÿ‘† AND earthquakes

2020-01-25 06:22:24 UTC

2020-01-25 06:30:40 UTC  
2020-01-25 06:39:00 UTC  

60+ Earthquakes have occured in the past 24 hours.

2020-01-25 06:40:55 UTC  

because this is the kind of crap they are force feeding the people that can no longer watch a new season of House of Cards

2020-01-25 06:41:33 UTC  

If you click on link above๐Ÿ‘† be sure to click on the numbers at bottom of page and check out how many quakes we've had in 48 hours. This is insane!

2020-01-25 06:50:18 UTC  
2020-01-25 06:50:33 UTC  

Sorry I canโ€™t help it...

2020-01-25 06:51:14 UTC  


2020-01-25 06:51:15 UTC  

2020-01-25 06:52:08 UTC  


2020-01-25 06:52:09 UTC  

SPLC - Southern Poverty Law Center; An Islamofacist Muslim Loving Liberal, Communist, Socialist, Globalist Den of Iniquity yet again targets a CHRISTIAN & SUPPORTER OF ISRAEL. The SPLC is of Lucifer Satan the devil and all within are his Demons.

2020-01-25 09:30:29 UTC  

Anyone awake?

2020-01-25 09:36:20 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the โ€œSauceโ€ to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just โ€œchit chatโ€ with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-01-25 09:38:54 UTC  

<:FeelsShocked:513138303722192898> i could nt close my eyes

2020-01-25 09:40:58 UTC  

decided to roll a biggie ;P

2020-01-25 09:50:16 UTC  


2020-01-25 11:40:18 UTC  

Equal Justice.

๐Ÿ‘† JUST SICK.....

A Great channel for us Guys.