Message from @Dennis williams

Discord ID: 673258959188262913

2020-02-01 20:02:29 UTC  

@Dennis williams You might ponder if this server is a good choice for you. Just saying.

2020-02-01 20:03:34 UTC  

@KARmA KATʑ think for your self I believe in freedoms so your not saying this sight right place for it

2020-02-01 20:03:37 UTC  

❤️ our POTUS

2020-02-01 20:03:56 UTC  

Yada yada

2020-02-01 20:04:04 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:05:00 UTC  

@Dennis williams don’t you worry bout what I do. You worry bout yourself which includes research and if you desire your freedom, without government contracts and the benefits that come with those contracts, you will find it but something tells me that’s not at all what you really want because you’re here and not out there finding it

2020-02-01 20:05:09 UTC  

Buzz off InTheMatrixxx

2020-02-01 20:05:48 UTC  

No @Dennis williams I am wondering if this server is a right fit for your agenda.

2020-02-01 20:06:05 UTC  

U just prove to me u think everyone should only look at your views

2020-02-01 20:06:28 UTC

2020-02-01 20:06:34 UTC  
2020-02-01 20:06:34 UTC  

We have nothing to prove to anyone

2020-02-01 20:06:52 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:07:27 UTC

2020-02-01 20:07:49 UTC  

Be very careful @Dennis williams

2020-02-01 20:09:04 UTC  

@KARmA KATʑ don’t tell me u think u know everything and u tell me be careful

2020-02-01 20:09:27 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:10:43 UTC  

We have a server here to provide a place where like-minded Patriots can come and discuss topics and research. You are proving by your comments today that you are not like-minded. @Dennis williams

2020-02-01 20:10:44 UTC  

@KARmA KATʑ I want u be president

2020-02-01 20:12:08 UTC  

@KARmA KATʑ I am a patriot the real truth just opinions that we all have

2020-02-01 20:13:34 UTC  

Singing at the west wing

2020-02-01 20:16:10 UTC  

@Kiwi61Karma There are alot of post that metion the West Wing From the White House Photos very Interesting.

2020-02-01 20:16:46 UTC  

Who was in the west wing that could be singing?

2020-02-01 20:18:14 UTC  

@Kiwi61Karma Yes who was in the West Wing singing I sure would like to know.

2020-02-01 20:21:17 UTC  

In God We Trust all caps (IGWT) 9 7 23 20=23

2020-02-01 20:22:25 UTC  


2020-02-01 20:25:06 UTC  

Comey ref to 12 flags-
"PANIC IN DC" statements start a FIRE?
Twelve moves ahead.
Suicide watch.

2020-02-01 20:25:41 UTC  

@Dina There is a long history of our weapon systems Intellectual Property being stolen.

2020-02-01 20:27:11 UTC

2020-02-01 20:30:26 UTC  

She looks like a crazy person☝🏼 ☝🏼 ☝🏼 ☝🏼

2020-02-01 20:31:15 UTC  
2020-02-01 20:34:32 UTC