Message from @1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Discord ID: 676550548169949185

2020-02-10 21:38:07 UTC  


2020-02-10 21:40:33 UTC  

Mike Tyson has a Mao tattoo

2020-02-10 21:40:46 UTC

2020-02-10 21:41:22 UTC

2020-02-10 21:41:29 UTC  

Che Tattoo

2020-02-10 21:47:23 UTC  


2020-02-10 21:47:30 UTC  

Justice !

2020-02-10 21:49:11 UTC  

<a:cham:483225790608048128> <a:cham:483225790608048128> <a:cham:483225790608048128>

2020-02-10 21:51:33 UTC  

I have placed 10 red pill videos of Fall Cabal's in the <#490993760520634389> folder. They are very well done and informative. I have learned a few things that I did know about some of the Q drops and news. Maybe you will too! Each video is approx. 20 minutes long. Thanks to @ScarlettStorm for the info on them.

2020-02-10 21:52:13 UTC  

Nice @awake777 thank you

2020-02-10 21:52:30 UTC  

You are welcome.

2020-02-10 21:52:49 UTC  

Kenyian Targets are in the US Treasuray Annex to the 12/21/2017 EO On Human Trafficking and Corruption. That whole African Region is under the Target. Mainly because othe Bloody Diamond Industry headed up by the Rothchilds and De'Beers Families.
The Chinese are also Targets as well in the same EO because of their Fraudulent Land-grabs in the region.
The US Traseury Annex, the whole and complete one is the one to look at. It's very lengthy in Targets.

2020-02-10 21:53:20 UTC  

Banks and other Oligarchs are targeted.

2020-02-10 21:53:42 UTC  

The African situation and Ukraine are directly tied together by the Banks.
Ha nothing to with a person's last name on Fox News.

THE FED, WTO, IMF, WB, SWIFT, CRYPTO, CENTRAL BANKS, CREDIT UNIONS, all under the gun for Criminal Fraud Against We the People not only of these United States of America but the rest of the World.

2020-02-10 21:54:06 UTC  


2020-02-10 21:55:09 UTC  

Source: Fall Cabal

2020-02-10 22:08:53 UTC  


2020-02-10 22:09:37 UTC  

Thanks @Searcher

2020-02-10 22:10:20 UTC  

Changing the Female Mindset on Diamonds would greatly decrease both the need for minning them and the Oligarchial Blood Sport that is a part of the whole process. If every Female age 15 + knew the Blood and Deadly Process of mining diamonds and other gems, they'd refuse to take part in the whoile WEDDING INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX to which is a 100% TOTAL & COMPLETE FRAUD. Everything about weddings and geting married in the idustry is a Criminal Fraud. From the DJ with his/her music that you could get your cosins to plug in their iPhones or Samsung Smartphones to the Tux and Dress Rentals. That INDUSTRY'S BIGGEST LIE is "YOU NEED US OR YOUR MARRIAGE IS A FAILURE".
If it take more than 30 Minutes for a wedding ceremony, it's a complete show and that's it.
I say lets stick it to the Oligarchs and stop engaging in their Industry.

2020-02-10 22:10:41 UTC  

They can produce diamonds in a lab for cheap.

2020-02-10 22:11:47 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ saw a clip of the Oscars with the singer wearing a big diamond necklace; first thought - how much blood it take to put those on your neck? /sigh

2020-02-10 22:11:55 UTC  

Former Ohio State wrestlers call for investigation into university's ties to Jeffrey Epstein

2020-02-10 22:19:10 UTC

2020-02-10 22:22:02 UTC  

@FrozenFish photoshop will let us do anything now days...

2020-02-10 22:22:43 UTC  

@Eymahqadosh best one I've seen yet

2020-02-10 22:23:22 UTC  

Until there's a sweeping LAW against all Birth Certificates, Marriage Licences, and forcing Mothers to sign away their God Gven Parental Rights and Authority over the child they birthed into this world; I would not ever think about bringing a child into this Evil and Wretched World of Demonic Control. When the Vatican - Holy See, Every Judge, Every AG, Every Attorney, Every Lawyer, Every One in Law Enforcement, and Every CPS Worker is out to snatch children from their Parents and cause Mental and Spritual HARM to children that are NOT THIER CREATION; that lets me know how Demonically Evil this world really is. NO Government births a child and NO Government has God's Express Writtten Permission to snatch children and to cause both Mental and Spiritual HARM. Time for everyone in Government to get a 2X4 across their backsides along with a whole can of GET-RIGHT. with GOD.

2020-02-10 22:50:00 UTC  


Barr announces sweeping new sanctions, 'significant escalation' against left-wing sanctuary cities

2020-02-10 23:02:39 UTC  

Take away all Law Enforcement Grants and have the US Treasury to deny all Loans made to those "Sanctuary Cities" , do not give FEMA Disater Aid in Dollars only give needed supplies of water and food only. If they gonna violate the Constituion and Rule of Law, then they shall pay the price. Once the people in those cities relaize how thye've been screwed over by thier Elected Paracites then they'll rise up and literally kick them all out. Denial of Law Enforceemnt Grants would make those LEOS WISE-UP to what's going on and not accept the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of thier own Slavery as Democrat Slave Repossesors and Revunuers. Cut-off all funding and order the US Treasury to cut-off all Private Prisons (CORE-CIVIC formerly CCA, MTC, GEO formelry Wackenhut) at the knees by ordering Asset Freezings at the Banking Level.
That's what I would do.

2020-02-10 23:06:17 UTC  

EYE DROP MEDIA@EYEDROPMEDIAReplying to@TrumpCanuck@hollylandesand 43 others#Oscars#OscarsAllAccess#QAnon #EnjoyTheShow@realDonaldTrump@RealJamesWoods#Qarmy#Oscara2020 #DrainTheSwamp@therealroseanneOscars is over, now see the Swamp Rats walk down the muddy carpet.@EyeDropMedia& @TrumpCanuckare proud to present the 1st Annual #SWAMPIES!

2020-02-10 23:09:07 UTC  

Seth RichπŸ‘†