Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 679551867260370954

The current situation in China is more than an outbreak of a delebrate Bio-warfares Agent being released. That situation entails the Global Economic Supply Chain.
The LAST CARGO SHIP is being unloaded here in the USA right now.
China has shut-down the whole manufacturing sector and will not be back up and running until August if they opened everything back up now. The restoration of global shipments of goods will not go out until November or December.
If you order something from Amazon or anywhere elese that depends on China, you can forget about it. You're not gonna get it.
The SARAS/CoV is a Targeted Phenenome-gnome assassin. Asian Men are dropping dead at a rapid rate. The outbreak happened after a Chinese Military Drill Expercise where other Nation's Militaries were taking part. Even Poice are revolting because of the Mandated Quarentines applied.
The Chinese Military covered up the initial outbreak.
Back on the Commerce Issues; THe 6 MONTH SHIPPING PROBLEM, that could effect buisness like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and others highly dependent upon China.
President Trump better have a Plan to deal with this, including forcing States to gain land to establish manufaturing over here.
There' so much land here in America that is not used due to Stubborn Landownners refusing to either sell or lease. Counties and Banks sitting on land.

This is coming from the video previously dropped about China. Plus my thoughts.

2020-02-19 04:07:23 UTC  


2020-02-19 04:07:52 UTC

2020-02-19 04:13:13 UTC

2020-02-19 04:13:25 UTC  

GN all

2020-02-19 04:16:48 UTC  

2020-02-19 04:17:26 UTC  

Hello @CactusJuice welcome aboard! ๐Ÿ˜

2020-02-19 04:45:47 UTC Anonymous, leakers & Murphyโ€™s possible Logan violation. He is good... ๐Ÿ˜ only need to watch about the first 19 minutes. Oh... and Comey was one of the prosecutors for Blagojevitch...๐Ÿง

2020-02-19 04:49:40 UTC  

DOJ Confirms They Are Looking Into Matters to Do With Ukraine, Sharply Chastises Nadler In the Process

2020-02-19 05:36:20 UTC  

We at In2TL thank you all for your participation, inviting friends and helping our server grow. As we grow, we need to remind everyone of our Code of Conduct. When presenting information as FACT, be prepared to provide the โ€œSauceโ€ to back the FACT. If you have a theory or opinion please state it as such, not as FACT. In the coming months, as people gravitate to our movement and possibly our server, they may be completely unaware of topics we have and will research. Keep this in mind when we discuss sensitive topics.

When speaking, especially when there are many people in the room, keep it concise and try to be brief. Give everyone a chance to speak and please allow each other to finish speaking. If you and one other person are monopolizing the conversation, especially if it is just โ€œchit chatโ€ with no real value to our research, take it to one of the other voice rooms (we have many) so as not to impede the research, which is the main reason we are here.

2020-02-19 05:44:04 UTC Just saw Buttigieg is also using the religious angle. Is this a call out to DS religious โ€˜leadersโ€™ to start denouncing PDJT?

2020-02-19 06:21:35 UTC  

They can not stop what's coming.

There's no REAL vaccine for this Coronavirus aka Corvid-19 aka Sun Disease. When people have hidden infections of this and show no signs and symptoms for up to a month, then keel over dead; What does that tell you?
If somone tells you to take a chemical and does not state that THIS CHEMICAL works on THE VIRUS, on THIS PARTICULAR PATHWAY they are full of it. Natural is gonna be the way to go.
The only way to stop this is TIME and TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS.
Things are gonna change, a whole lot of things from A to Z.

2020-02-19 07:15:16 UTC  

is that @Daningle i hear? aloha

2020-02-19 07:15:36 UTC

2020-02-19 07:25:56 UTC  

Hi @Daningle Itโ€™s good to see you on. ๐Ÿ™‚๐ŸŒป

**Rod Blagojevich is now a TRUMP-ACRAT.**

2020-02-19 08:42:03 UTC  

This is an odd exchange, no?

2020-02-19 08:46:16 UTC  

Oh and please watch this one:

2020-02-19 08:51:28 UTC  

โ˜๏ธ really good.

2020-02-19 09:17:21 UTC