Message from @crankypants
Discord ID: 673210866187108373
@here Thought this was interesting from one of the articles:( The available evidence most strongly supports that the 2019-NCoV virus is a vaccine strain of coronavirus either accidentally released from a laboratory accident, perhaps a laboratory researcher becoming infected with the virus while conducting animal experiments, or the Chinese were performing clinical studies of a Coronavirus vaccine in humans.
Be careful of instant cures! This looks like a headline grabber. It would be very interesting to know what kinda connections this guy has to say, idk... tge Gates Foundation 🤔
I believe they had the cure's Corona virus for a long long time
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 540a54 No.342895 📁
Feb 11 2018 19:30:54 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 3de3d6 No.342747 📁
Feb 11 2018 19:19:46 (EST)
What a coincidence.
This board has more power & influence than anyone comprehends.
Just going to drop this.. So you know more.. on Wuhan, Hubei Province.
Many things in Wuham, Hubei Province then most aren´t talking about.
Wuhan East Lake High-tech Development Zone is called (Optics Valley of China)
And it ranks fourth among national high-tech zones.
And Wuham, Hubi Province do alot in Science and Technology and BioSyntetic, Cloning etc.
And they also have built the country's largest "underground city,"
Started 2015 was going to be finished in 2018.
@jimmy.lionstar HIV proteins have been put into the H1N1 vaccines since the fake H1N1 scare of the 2009. It is intended disrupt the immune system in order to make a weak but active virus system more effective (deadly). Nothing new, but they are getting better at it.
The H1N1 vaccine has been added to the flu shot every year since 2011.
I want to thank @willchamberlain for publishing this report and allowing me to blur those doctors’ names in this report for protecting their identities.
Searching Pubmed for 'coronavirus treatment':
Coronavirus patented 5 years ago.
World Map of coronavirus spread along with number of confirmed cases and deaths:
What is coronavirus?
Some types of them are serious, though. About 858 people have died from Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which first appeared in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and then in other countries in the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Europe. In April 2014, the first American was hospitalized for MERS in Indiana and another case was reported in Florida. Both had just returned from Saudi Arabia. In May 2015, there was an outbreak of MERS in Korea, which was the largest outbreak outside of the Arabian Peninsula. In 2003, 774 people died from a severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak. As of 2015, there were no further reports of cases of SARS. MERS and SARS are types of coronaviruses.
But in early January 2020, the World Health Organization identified a new type: 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China. By late January, there were 300 confirmed cases in China and a death count that was still in the single digits, but rising. And despite airport screenings, a traveler had brought the first case to the U.S.
In contrast, there are 17.3 million deaths from heart disease world wide per year. Cardiovascular disease kills 17.3 million people a year – in comparison, HIV/Aids, malaria and tuberculosis combined kill 3.86 million. <>
To put this into perspective, see mortality numbers of different issues see
On another point, here is another theory about the coronavirus, which says it was released on purpose, and for a reason at this time. "The date and the area chosen for insertion of the coronavirus in the Chinese population is related to the displacement of millions of people who move these days around the globe to return home and see their relatives, coinciding with this special celebration for the Chinese culture. Therefore, it is an ideal point and time for its expansion to take place effectively, seen from the point of view of the DS."
Searching Pubmed for 'coronavirus treatment':
This variety of coronavirus patented 5 years ago.
Re: wearing masks to prevent coronavirus.
The masks are for sick people to trap particles of moisture that contain the virus if they cough. The surgical masks, and most other masks do not work for people who are not sick. Air, containing droplets of moisture with virus particles, will travel easily in and out the side of the mask, which is the point of least resistance. If you want a good mask that works get a wood-working mask or some type of mask that fits your face with a good flexible rubber seal.
In October 2019 I got real sick with these symptoms: hot and cold flashes, in some cases I could not get warm no matter what I did, bad sinus congestion, non-stop coughing that over the counter treatments did not even touch (I had to get a prescription from my doctor), feeling drained and exhausted constantly for about 4-5 weeks. The only thing I could do was lay down and watch TV. Sometimes I lost my appetite. It turned out it was helped by antibiotics, but the first round didn't quite work, and my illness returned. What DID work was an antibiotic called Amox-clav, it's a combo of 2 antibiotics.
I missed at least 7 days of work during those 2 months, and 5 days I missed were consecutive. This is still going around work and most people are out 2-4 days.
@Dina Take any CDC info with a grain of salt. The CDC claims that men can never ever get raped.
@crankypants Yes Indeed.
China’s Senior Health Officials Struggle to Answer Questions about Coronavirus, as Another City is Under Full Lockdown
"First person found to spread coronavirus before symptoms appear." This is normal, even for a cold or flu. For the first 7-10 days the carrier shows no symptoms and is HIGHLY contagious. That's why the cold and flu spreads. And some other diseases too. Then after that incubation period the person gets symptoms.
I can see a possible problem with trade and business where, if not enough employees turn up for work, some parts of a business may not be able to operate for a week or so. I'm not going to order any more products from China for a while, just in case.