Message from @OrthoNinten

Discord ID: 624412774583500811

2019-09-20 01:11:13 UTC  

you can't control balding

2019-09-20 01:11:20 UTC  

>tfw my dad is bald 😳

2019-09-20 01:11:27 UTC  

Balding is genetic right?

2019-09-20 01:11:29 UTC  

a natural human process is a jewish scheme now apparently

2019-09-20 01:11:37 UTC  

imagine being this much of a schizo fag

2019-09-20 01:11:46 UTC  

I agree that shaving your hair is degenerate

2019-09-20 01:11:56 UTC  

But if you're naturally bald that's fine

2019-09-20 01:12:04 UTC  

There are many people who do not bald

2019-09-20 01:12:06 UTC  

so the army is degenerate then?

2019-09-20 01:12:23 UTC  

They don't shave entirely

2019-09-20 01:12:25 UTC  

I'm gonna get shaved in 2 years when I get drafted

2019-09-20 01:12:32 UTC  

wow I guess I'll be a degenerate for serving my country then

2019-09-20 01:12:34 UTC  

ok retard

2019-09-20 01:12:35 UTC  

I'm talking about skinhead tier baldness

2019-09-20 01:12:37 UTC  

For instance my grandfathers on both sides aren't bald at all

2019-09-20 01:12:52 UTC  

they literally do shave you almost to skinhead tier

2019-09-20 01:12:57 UTC  

or just really short

2019-09-20 01:13:04 UTC  

but it's for practical reasons

2019-09-20 01:13:07 UTC  

not for aesthetic

2019-09-20 01:13:08 UTC  

I believe balding is genetic

2019-09-20 01:13:26 UTC  

Or at least receding hairlines

2019-09-20 01:13:42 UTC  

"everything I don't like is degenerate"

2019-09-20 01:13:44 UTC  


2019-09-20 01:13:55 UTC  

in what way is having a shaved head degenerate

2019-09-20 01:14:03 UTC  

that just sounds like retard talk to me

2019-09-20 01:14:05 UTC  

like damn

2019-09-20 01:14:21 UTC  

I get you don't like it but how does that make it degenerate

2019-09-20 01:14:46 UTC  

I personally have quite some hair rn

2019-09-20 01:14:46 UTC  

Well done @ΕΘΝΙΚH ΑΝΤΙΣΤΑΣΗ, you just advanced to level 40!

2019-09-20 01:14:49 UTC  

and I need a haircut

2019-09-20 01:14:52 UTC  

Having hair shows masculinity

2019-09-20 01:15:03 UTC  

but I will never shave it completely as I'm not a fan of having a shaved head

2019-09-20 01:15:08 UTC  

but how the fuck is it degenerate

2019-09-20 01:15:31 UTC  

what shows masculinity has nothing to do with hairstyle

2019-09-20 01:15:34 UTC  

that's subjective

2019-09-20 01:16:32 UTC  

ancient greeks and nords also had long hair and were masculine, but so do many today with shaved heads

2019-09-20 01:16:39 UTC  

I think you're just coping lmao

2019-09-20 01:17:00 UTC  

because skinheads are more masculine than you and have balls

2019-09-20 01:17:06 UTC

2019-09-20 01:17:21 UTC  

From my gc

2019-09-20 01:17:52 UTC  

I have a Hitler Youth haircut <:hitlerpepe:543956279056400396>