Message from @HGWells
Discord ID: 308545336538824706
Manlet-sized hammocks.
White Sharia was invented to protect women from @Brad Small
I've heard you get all the eggs you can eat in those kinds of places, though.
@BrydenProctor You know about microchimeras, right? You have a kid with a redhead and he'll come out 25% black because redheads love fucking niggers so much.
from the festa confederada yesterday
What in gods green earth is a fiesta confedeeada.
festa confedera is where our ancestors that left dixie after the war to come to brazil
Huh. Neat shit. Never heard of it till now.
yeah, happens in brazil every year on americana
close to the cemetery of the confederates
Yeah I knew a bunch of officers went that way to avoid the yankee gestapo but I always thought they just ducked down and called it a day. Didn't know they had a festival. Wierd how things turn out I suppose.
its the little dixie over here
great place
Shit, and people gave me shit for rocking a battle flag on my uniform for a while saying it "preculdes diversity"
they are trying to shut down for a long ass time
Yeah they're doing the same shit here in the deep south. Trying to strip us of our history and shit.
Cept its a lot more personal here. You can lose your job and shit for having a battle flag up if you work in anything other than dead end slave labor.
the battle flag if viewed racist is 5 to 8 years in prision in brazil
Fuck sakes.
Worlds going fucking crazier and crazier every day.
they want all the white people to just die
so they gonna try their hardest to make our lifes as horrible as possible
trying to cut our roots
Yeah. Gotta get that 13-24 white male suicide rate up.
i heard people kevetch for calling my friends my mannerbund
cause "muh german nomenclature is akin to genocide to jews"