Message from @Koba
Discord ID: 310245570985852938
the music in it is used for one of those alerta judiada videos
so much confirmation biase all they can cite are other lib shits
I got extreme deja vu when it started auto playing
adblock mustve taken care of it
MFW I won't be a colonel in charge of thousands of soldiers and weapon systems learning from Bannon at the War College
You guys know that actress Charlize Theron is a South African Boer, right?
is that photoshopped?
what do you think
yes ofc
Charlize Theron is turning her adopted black son into a tranny.
i live exclusively on russian MREs
im on that styx diet
bon appetite
I eat almost all plant stuff
nuts, leaves etc
it wrecks my brain
You have to look like an anglo xenomorph
IE Styx
thats what im aiming for
but I guess Ill have really clear arteries
god that would suck to have an adoptive black kid
stink your house up too
He looks brittle
all the stares in public
@badtanman you have to become so thin and lanky that you come to resemble one of those deep sea crabs
That's the best word for it
if you knew what i look like know you'd realize its preferable to look like styx
@badtanman DOXED
wait r u serious bro? @badtanman
youre that thin?
far from it
I look like someone you'd hate if you're a minority
im a big ol tub tub