Message from @JDB

Discord ID: 545328689659773022

2019-02-13 19:30:15 UTC  

Well, my understanding is skilled labor isn't really automated. Things like plumbers still have work to do.

2019-02-13 19:30:30 UTC  


2019-02-13 19:30:50 UTC  

as long as houses are not all the same, bots wont do plmbing

2019-02-13 19:30:50 UTC  

Fracking isnt a negative energy return, otherwise it would be financially unsustainable.
Truth is, there is still so much oil that doesn't require fracking that the price of oil is low enough to make fracking not financially viable.
But every time oil prices rose suddenly fracking becomes viable

2019-02-13 19:31:52 UTC  

there's a difference between profitable and getting more energy out of the enrgy put in, and making the barrle a trillion dollar wont change the enrgy return unelss technology chages too

2019-02-13 19:33:07 UTC  

And regarding the jobs, you guys might be right. That's why the current welfare state is so destructive. It creates more incentives to stupid low IQ people to reproduce at the cost of taxing high IQ people making them reproduce less.
That's negative eugenics

2019-02-13 19:34:37 UTC  

there used to be a palce for menial task dumbassed way back then to earn a living and stay out of trouble, not so much any more

2019-02-13 19:35:47 UTC  

There's a strategic reason to get away from oil. It's primarily to escape opec and other Islamic countries, which we all know are directly antithetical to western society.

2019-02-13 19:36:23 UTC  

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) you're right. But if you dont get more energy out of fracking than you put in, it can NEVER be financially viable.
Since fracking is financially viable when oil prices are at around 70$ a barrel that means you always get more energy out than in.
Thing is, current oil prices are pretty low due to oil wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia thus rendering fracking uneconomical

2019-02-13 19:37:06 UTC  

@Xychotic as I've said, you can reduce oil consumption by producing electricity through nuclear energy

2019-02-13 19:38:02 UTC  

You won't get an argument from me there. Between breeder reactors, new fission tech, and thorium, the only reason we aren't appears to be a combination of nimby and bad pr.

2019-02-13 19:38:06 UTC  

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) there used to be menial tasks to haul rocks out of fields we needed to cultivate.
Thankfully someone invented the wheel and rendered those jobs useless

2019-02-13 19:38:19 UTC  

I do rememeber listening a series of podcasts from Chris Martenson awith interviewees (isiders) arguing that shale companies are not profitable and they keep being force fed money from the noutside

2019-02-13 19:39:06 UTC  

Fracking is economically profitable when oil prices are high

2019-02-13 19:39:29 UTC  

Communism is never the answer

2019-02-13 19:39:44 UTC  

well prices now are low because peopela re not useing as much as they sued to, transport is more efficient now, which is a good thing

2019-02-13 19:40:28 UTC  

No. Prices fell to ~40$ a barrel thanks to oil wars between Iran and Saudi Arabia

2019-02-13 19:40:57 UTC  

Thank allah for the shiah-sunni conflict

2019-02-13 19:41:21 UTC  

If only they could just eradicate themselves.

2019-02-13 19:41:28 UTC  

and even with low prices because of trade war, people are not using sustantially more gas

2019-02-13 19:41:31 UTC  

How can I anonymously pay someone

2019-02-13 19:41:48 UTC  

@Xychotic they are showing us the way on how to treat women

2019-02-13 19:41:51 UTC  

@JDB send me $19.99 and I'll tell you how

2019-02-13 19:41:57 UTC  

There's a credit card that you can just buy up.

2019-02-13 19:42:05 UTC  

Green card, or something like that.

2019-02-13 19:42:10 UTC  

@JDB bitcoin

2019-02-13 19:42:16 UTC  

Np- what’s ur bank details

2019-02-13 19:42:22 UTC  

And aite - so there’s a way

2019-02-13 19:42:34 UTC  

Yeah there are prepaid debit cards

2019-02-13 19:43:46 UTC  

If women couldn't own credit cards, credit card debt would go down. If women couldn't go to college, college debt would go down. If women couldn't vote, welfare would go down. Suppressing women solves 80 of our societal issues.

2019-02-13 19:45:12 UTC  

Everything else is just a red herring.

2019-02-13 19:46:06 UTC  

@Deadly Shells taking women's rights away solves 99% of social issues. The rest can be solved by shooting looters and rioters

2019-02-13 19:46:33 UTC  

I would take it a step further.

2019-02-13 19:46:42 UTC  

Take stupid people's rights away.

2019-02-13 19:47:15 UTC  

@Xychotic it's not about IQ its about responsibility

2019-02-13 19:47:30 UTC  

That's why only net taxpayers should vote

2019-02-13 19:48:04 UTC  

I wasn't making an IQ argument, but I understand how it seemed that way.

2019-02-13 19:48:16 UTC  

and for FFS pput an end to the snowflake expectations.. CURSE YOU DISNEY!

2019-02-13 19:48:51 UTC  


2019-02-13 19:48:53 UTC  

I think citizenship should be something earned as an adult. Both through difficult work and comprehensive testing.

2019-02-13 19:49:29 UTC  

and even if the smart super responsible people vote, politicians will remain demagogues...