Message from @BigTyrone

Discord ID: 545859819039358987

2019-02-15 06:46:26 UTC  

I actually tend to clash with people who do modern calligraphy as opposed to traditional calligraphy like i do

2019-02-15 06:47:03 UTC  

Got anything you made with the goose feather you can post in there?

2019-02-15 06:47:42 UTC  

nah, that's the thing about goose feathers. They don't last very long. I do have a metal pen with a dyed red quill I can post

2019-02-15 06:48:10 UTC  

It would be hilarious to see a Mgtow poem done in the voice of a civil war writer in calligraphy

2019-02-15 06:48:35 UTC  

Funny you say that, I actually do poetry as well

2019-02-15 06:48:48 UTC  

I’d like to see the writing with that pen you’re talking about

2019-02-15 06:48:49 UTC  

matter of fact I did a poem regarding mgtow about a month ago

2019-02-15 06:48:54 UTC  

have your balls ever been upside or sideways?

2019-02-15 06:49:01 UTC  

scares the shit out of me

2019-02-15 06:49:10 UTC  

sure let me just snap a photo

2019-02-15 06:49:25 UTC  

Looks great dude, thanks

2019-02-15 06:49:43 UTC  

Im scared my nut strings will get tangled ya kno

2019-02-15 06:50:05 UTC  

You fapped your balls sideways bro? How can you tell?

2019-02-15 06:50:33 UTC  

Well i was actually just sitting crosslegged for awhile and just touched my balls to give em a quick wiff

2019-02-15 06:50:44 UTC  

and noticed they were sideways and felt abnormal

2019-02-15 06:50:47 UTC  

Hermit since this will be international is could be a good idea not to use USA specific statistics

2019-02-15 06:50:57 UTC  

@BigTyrone no but one time I woke up, went to scratch my nuts and they weren’t there, my heart dropped

2019-02-15 06:51:10 UTC  

wtf que paso

2019-02-15 06:51:10 UTC  

posting it to shillzone now @DeezNutzYourChin

2019-02-15 06:51:49 UTC  

Did they fall out?

2019-02-15 06:52:02 UTC  

Sometimes my nuts fall away into some abyss in my crotch

2019-02-15 06:52:10 UTC  

And i have to gather them back out

2019-02-15 06:52:17 UTC  

Yeah I think that’s what happened

2019-02-15 06:52:32 UTC  

god damn

2019-02-15 06:52:54 UTC  

That’s what sumo wrestlers do, they have the ability to suck them in on command, so they won’t get hit in the gonads

2019-02-15 06:53:07 UTC  

I dont like it

2019-02-15 06:53:12 UTC  

Hablas castellano?

2019-02-15 06:53:29 UTC  

hablo mexicano

2019-02-15 06:53:47 UTC  

cuz im a cultured white dude

2019-02-15 06:53:52 UTC  

@Head Scribe Drayanor that pen is damn cool

2019-02-15 06:54:27 UTC  

thank ya, if memory serves me right it was pulled from a wild turkey

2019-02-15 06:54:36 UTC  

that or a pheasant

2019-02-15 06:54:48 UTC  

TFM is also the person who turned me over, to be honest. With him since 2015

2019-02-15 06:55:46 UTC  

Kind of looks like a pheasant feather to me

2019-02-15 07:06:29 UTC  

Tis caller lol

2019-02-15 07:10:54 UTC  

Ohh nice Undead

2019-02-15 07:12:49 UTC  

well yall imma go to bed. It was fun writing names. I'll be on tomorrow as per usual. If you want your name done just holler

2019-02-15 07:20:43 UTC  

Its morning in eu right now, having a coffee rn

2019-02-15 07:27:25 UTC  

EU pheeeeeyeww

2019-02-15 07:27:41 UTC  


2019-02-15 07:30:54 UTC  

Females are a net drain on the tax payer