
Discord ID: 300307121260724226

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He made the theoden reference, but its more how he's anakin. TFM had the highground but he jumped anyway and is currently burning like nice hot dumbsterfire

He was supposed to bring balance to mgtow, not leave it in darkness

Same hermit

He always insisted on flopping his dick around like he was in charge

Ridiculing people around him for no reason

Yeah I said this in TFMs discord too, you see how he uses his legal experience to try and win this situation over. He talked extensively about his tactics in family court, one if which was essentially bringing mental instability to the table. Thats the main way for men to get custody is when it's made clear the woman is a psycho. He goes after TFM the same way. The goes for mental instability claims by two paths, one is isolation/doll and the second approach is extremism (take rights away, violence of jihadis)

Hence calling tfms sanity into question and avoiding actual discussion

"every woman is a slut if you catch her on the right day"

Well people did call into the show claiming that he helped them out

His legal advice was fairly on point as far as I can tell

Tfm show starting

gestalt consciousness., hive mind tier shit. otherwise the excessive difference in both genetic and environmental input between individuals will eventually always end up shifting any previously created arc and eventually destroy it

by not allowing them you are taking away their freedom to trade what they want

defeating your own point


anybody who wants power will desire to buy someone's freedom and give them security.

and men want power. because men are competitive. on so many different plains other that reproduction as well

again, defeats human nature

you just have to accept sometimes you have a golden age and eventually you have a dark age

even when human reproduction is solved by the artificial wombs

so what do you do with them

not if women can't vote

yes there is, it still contains value in scientific developments, infrastructure etc. its worth attempting to salvage or even prevent its destruction all together

dude what, the artificial womb enables men to have the kids they want and raise them without the risk of women fucking it up

and since its men doing the work and earning the women, they're be the majority able to afford artificial womb

yes that would have been great bracholi

I agree

again, we're talking about practically, what can change. what system could be the most free is minarchist republic. but you will not be able to stop people from eventuallly fucking it up again


yeah we disagree there then

nations often fund research and provide infrastructure and materials. you can't just throw that away

these "tesla's" aren't some kind of god that should just be given anything. the person putting forward the resources and taking the risk deserves partial credit

plenty of research has also been conducted by completely agreement of the people

feels a bit too die hard to go "fuck all government"

that I can agree with

well not shot, you shoot them when they turn to crime

not just for being idiots. let them starve.

team doesn't exist?

talk with some navy seals

there are absolutely forms of coalitions of men who couldn't do alone what they do together

and their intel team

and their support groups like maintenance

and the engineers designing gear

the intel team is not subservent to the actual seals

usually they're even higher ranking

but whatever thats besides the point

and event then its still a team, not an individual. and that's a example

current discoveries and developments are conceived by groups of men, not singular men. Musk isn't the sole engineer in his company

that is exactly what teamleaders do

and in any uncorrupted power structure, the most competent individual of that group usually calls the shots. but they still are all necessary pieces

I just think you're going a bit too hardcore on the individualism

Im definitely more individualist rather than group but there are absolutely cases where the group produces better results and the sum of results by each individual seperately

reality, right

well we'll leave it at that then

well obviously

that seems like a given

the same way honor is an abstraction

that was never under any debate from my point of view

its an abstract structure just like a company or government is just a piece of paper

no debate there

Hate vid?

The stream is on youtube?

Oh its a private viewing thing?

@Happy Humble Hermit you should make mgtow response bingo sheets. You can cross off who hurt you

Both in my initiations in federal police and para cdo there were lower standards for women. Run less minutes, doe less push ups etc

Western EU as well. They use their women in military parades and thats functionally all

I bet celestina's channel is bigger than his bitch boi cat channel

It was 8chan, I saw the thread

@Happy Humble Hermit I'll plaster my home town if you do this. It's a big university city as well

Hermit since this will be international is could be a good idea not to use USA specific statistics

TFM is also the person who turned me over, to be honest. With him since 2015

Tis caller lol

Its morning in eu right now, having a coffee rn

He was blasting initial D and shit

Classic chan shitposter

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