Message from @shadowlessnexus

Discord ID: 549718221394149391

2019-02-25 22:17:49 UTC  


2019-02-25 22:17:51 UTC  

@Sickswing what are you learning from them

2019-02-25 22:18:08 UTC  

qoutas make it fucked up for some people

2019-02-25 22:18:24 UTC  

@VenomousHawk86 how the fuck does the usual "I learned alot from my previous job, I loved learning from my co workers!" mean its a shit resume?

2019-02-25 22:18:25 UTC  

Some interviews I know I got only cause me blackie

2019-02-25 22:18:25 UTC  

Pretty truthful statement from Rollo again. The cost of sex for women is so low that women don't really date anymore. When they require something other than sex they introduce rules (Relationship) to the equation. Very clear way of putting it, I like it.

2019-02-25 22:18:32 UTC  

@batshadow diploma as in high school?

2019-02-25 22:18:36 UTC  


2019-02-25 22:18:56 UTC  

What kind of jobs are you applying for?

2019-02-25 22:19:04 UTC  

anything that doesn't require a brain

2019-02-25 22:19:14 UTC  

if you want i can copy and paste some stuff from my resume if it would help

2019-02-25 22:19:19 UTC  

that'd be nice

2019-02-25 22:19:20 UTC  

They probably get 100 apps per day.

2019-02-25 22:19:37 UTC  

let me see where i stored it and message you some of that

2019-02-25 22:19:43 UTC  

thanks fam

2019-02-25 22:22:33 UTC  

*still in fuckin high school unfortunately*

2019-02-25 22:22:40 UTC  

but I plan on learning a trade

2019-02-25 22:23:00 UTC  

yea just go into trades

2019-02-25 22:23:22 UTC  

I have like 2 classes left and I'm done with school

2019-02-25 22:23:29 UTC  

rather have that diploma

2019-02-25 22:23:57 UTC  

literally no reason to even go for stem in college anymore if your mgtow. no reason to try to make a gross amount of money when just the fact that you are not getting married is saving you huge amounts

2019-02-25 22:24:13 UTC  

Also look all over the states for a trade in demand, that’s how you get the big bucks for less work

2019-02-25 22:24:55 UTC  

Don't we all lol.

2019-02-25 22:25:02 UTC  

On both ends.

2019-02-25 22:25:09 UTC  

Lots of money to be made in plumbing if you can stand encountering shit and piss on a regular basis.

2019-02-25 22:25:19 UTC  

A trade would have changed everything for me back at 18.

2019-02-25 22:25:46 UTC  

A man with no wife making 40k a year is better off than a man with a wife and making 100K a year

2019-02-25 22:25:55 UTC  

I agree.

2019-02-25 22:25:59 UTC  

I would suggest HVAC because it encompasses many different areas, so you'll always have pivot options.

2019-02-25 22:26:15 UTC  

HVAC will always be in demand.

2019-02-25 22:26:32 UTC  

And I was being generous. Women are money pits.

2019-02-25 22:27:37 UTC  

Women also have increasing thirst for more. They might start appearing humble and well behaved but the more familiar you become the more money has to compensate for lack of wanting to fuck yours light out.

2019-02-25 22:27:44 UTC  

Standard procedure really.

2019-02-25 22:29:00 UTC  

one of the trades I'm lookin at tbh is A&P mechanic

2019-02-25 22:29:07 UTC  

aircraft is fuckin neato

2019-02-25 22:29:23 UTC  

It's not even just the money. It's the mental drain. Many men become so inept and tired at guardian their wealth they just forfeit control. The woman isn't going to think of retirement in 35 years. She couldn't give a damn if you die in a ditch. As long as she's gonna be okay. She can always eject.

2019-02-25 22:29:27 UTC  

My cousin makes six figures, well over actually now. Got married in 2015, baby in 2016. Just bought a new house this year. She's on divide and conquer with his resources.

2019-02-25 22:29:38 UTC  


2019-02-25 22:29:54 UTC  

He wonders why I don't come around anymore.

2019-02-25 22:29:56 UTC  

Pretty nasty.

2019-02-25 22:31:19 UTC  

@Sickswing It's the way of the world. Women will always trade the future for the present.