Message from @KenneticEnergy

Discord ID: 556180597744336908

2019-03-15 18:20:58 UTC  

Courtesy of @frugalcasper

2019-03-15 18:20:59 UTC  

yeah these morons did real damage here, instead of really doing something

seriously, they could just have gone to some no-go zone in europe and do it to prove their point
and then I think no one would care that much, as the msm can't go there to report :P

but attacking peaceful people ... won't make you the good guy

I guess this thing was only meant to enrage muslims, so they start rioting
and so this would start the real conflict

2019-03-15 18:20:59 UTC  

There's copies everywhere.

2019-03-15 18:21:05 UTC  

Yeah i got it.

2019-03-15 18:21:17 UTC  

But it was banned in Facebook, twitter and all social media

2019-03-15 18:21:17 UTC  

DM it to me.

2019-03-15 18:21:21 UTC  


2019-03-15 18:21:27 UTC  

I tried to find it. Didn’t try THAT hard but I didn’t see it.

2019-03-15 18:21:31 UTC  

Yeah he said subscribe to PewDiePie at the beginning of the livestream.

2019-03-15 18:21:43 UTC  

I also tried to find it, I didn't try hard either.

2019-03-15 18:21:46 UTC  

Found news reports on YT.

2019-03-15 18:21:49 UTC  

Boys, we're all going to New Zealand.

2019-03-15 18:21:57 UTC  

You know, it sounds fucked up, but I wouldn’t put it out of the realm of possibility this shit is controlled opposition

2019-03-15 18:21:59 UTC  

Lol wtf

2019-03-15 18:22:09 UTC  

Yes, New Zealand.

2019-03-15 18:22:24 UTC  

@CROAT What on Earth are you talking about?

2019-03-15 18:22:31 UTC  

It's a torrent, so you have to use uTorrent

2019-03-15 18:22:34 UTC  

hey the US intelligence agencies funded/ financed a lot of shit
I wouldn't be that surprised 😛 @KenneticEnergy

2019-03-15 18:22:41 UTC  

The recent Mosque shooting that happened in New Zealand.

2019-03-15 18:22:50 UTC  

Not saying people didn’t die, but I think someone or a group armed, prepped and goaded the shooters into taking people out

2019-03-15 18:23:07 UTC  

The fact that they’re still alive is very odd, usually it’s a murder-suicide

2019-03-15 18:23:11 UTC  

I’m sure that millions of people have said subscribe to PewDiePie. If one of them cures AIDS then Pewds better get credit.

2019-03-15 18:23:28 UTC  

i know a few kiwi's... they say it's as fuck'd anywhere else....

2019-03-15 18:23:56 UTC  

I didn’t think in NZ they had access to guns readily?

2019-03-15 18:24:05 UTC  

no that's the plan ... is actually like brevik,
he got his x years to serve, but he actually lives now compared before his attack

2019-03-15 18:24:05 UTC  

Lol, and i wanted to go there

2019-03-15 18:24:09 UTC  

The file's got 520 peers.

2019-03-15 18:24:11 UTC  

Florida doesn't make the cut

2019-03-15 18:24:12 UTC  


2019-03-15 18:24:36 UTC  

@Misanthropic Imperial Are you watching it?

2019-03-15 18:24:40 UTC  

@conker yeah it’ll be interesting to see what happens to the shooters, they said there were 2

2019-03-15 18:24:45 UTC  


2019-03-15 18:24:50 UTC  

hm ... do you guys think it's worth looking at the video ?

2019-03-15 18:25:04 UTC  

@felldie1496 Downloading it now.

2019-03-15 18:25:06 UTC  

Yeah, not because we're serial killers, but to be informed.

2019-03-15 18:25:25 UTC  

did y’all see the Fraser Anning response

2019-03-15 18:25:28 UTC  

There's 96 seeds.

2019-03-15 18:25:30 UTC  

absolutely based

2019-03-15 18:25:45 UTC  

You have to know evil, to defend yourself against it.

2019-03-15 18:25:55 UTC  

@Reiatsu what was the response?

2019-03-15 18:26:01 UTC  

Notice you hear NOTHING about the Vegas shooter anymore. And that thing had more holes than Swiss cheese. Somethings not right