Message from @ebowden

Discord ID: 462966815983665162

2018-07-01 12:47:51 UTC  

QuQu claims this?

2018-07-01 12:48:01 UTC  

Or just his friend?

2018-07-01 12:48:01 UTC  

No. His friend does

2018-07-01 12:48:09 UTC  

Wow, more retardation.

2018-07-01 12:48:17 UTC  

It's at around the 30 minute mark

2018-07-01 12:48:39 UTC  

Well, the KKK are definitely white supremacists, but he's right about the Nazis.

2018-07-01 12:48:53 UTC  

They were very much about the German race.

2018-07-01 12:51:23 UTC  

It is worth pointing out that European ethnocentrism is very different than American ethnocentrism

2018-07-01 12:51:32 UTC  


2018-07-01 12:52:01 UTC  

American ethnocentrism has to contend with surviving among amerimutts.

2018-07-01 12:52:24 UTC  

Hence "white supremacy".

2018-07-01 12:52:45 UTC  

They can't get much more specific than "white" or it all falls apart.

2018-07-01 12:53:23 UTC  

This is why I would feel comfortable describing the KKK as white supremacists, but not the Nazis.

2018-07-01 12:53:59 UTC  

I get a kick whenever someone like Richard Spencer talks about white people everywhere as his "extended family". Hate to break it to you, man, but your extended family kind of all hate each other

2018-07-01 12:54:26 UTC  

It wasn't so long ago that that's how it was in America too

2018-07-01 12:58:11 UTC  

But with regards to people using Nazi iconography today in America at least (and increasingly in Europe as the EU steadily turns the continent into a unified federal state and much more ethnically distinct migrants flowing in) they mostly use it in a broadly pro-white context for the same reason you stated above that many whites are mixes of different white ethnicities.

2018-07-01 13:01:54 UTC  

Although even categorizing the KKK as just white supremacist is a misnomer because they are also heavily defined by their protestantism. As a result, they've gone against even Catholic whites (mostly Irish, French, and Italians) throughout much of their history.

2018-07-01 13:02:51 UTC  

I don't think they can afford that anymore.

2018-07-01 13:04:21 UTC  

Yeah, so like most neonazi groups, they have to drop their most stringent requirements.

2018-07-01 13:04:50 UTC  

I honestly wonder what ones don't.

2018-07-01 13:04:58 UTC  

Maybe the German ones.

2018-07-01 13:05:08 UTC  

Well, some of them.

2018-07-01 18:05:24 UTC  

so from what I gather, someone in a skype group with Sargon claimed that he asked one of the script writers not to ask about youtube at airplay. do they give any evidence of this later in the stream? screenshots or the like?

2018-07-01 18:13:02 UTC  

because based off of my own research, looking up the guy, Mark Ceb, (who was the script writer) in conjunction with Sargon or with the skype group Sargon was a part of or even Shadows of Mordor seems to turn up nothing.

2018-07-01 18:19:14 UTC  

except that which is talked about by the degenerate fur.

2018-07-01 18:35:18 UTC  

he doesn't seem to have a video about it on his youtube, he doesn't seem to have posted any screenshots of it on twitter, he just seems to be asserting this and nobody has bothered to challenge him on it yet. or if they have, he hasn't responded to said challenges.

2018-07-01 18:38:11 UTC  

the thing about it is that the story seems likely. there's a clear motive and a reasonable angle that Sargon could have used. It's a likely story, but then again all the best lies are. the trouble here is that there doesn't seem to be anything in the way of evidence supporting it.

2018-07-02 19:42:02 UTC  

Going to put it this way: Is the prequel to Candid.

2018-07-02 19:43:01 UTC  

And I don't remember Dan claiming the KKK weren't WS.

2018-07-02 20:09:53 UTC  

I think he was claiming that the Nazis weren't white supremacists because they didn't like the KKK, which is an incredibly facile interpretation of how Nazi and Klan ideology operated both then and now.

2018-07-02 20:10:45 UTC  

Also, what happened with the Candid thing? I don't remember Sargon being involved in that.

2018-07-02 20:50:19 UTC  

Sargon tried to pull it under the rug to protect his SKEPTIC community and threw HO under the bus for bringing it up.

2018-07-02 20:51:23 UTC  

And lmao the Nazis were german supremacist you even conceded that to Ebowen.

2018-07-02 20:53:42 UTC  

They were then, but most neonazi groups have dropped that now. If you were paying attention, you'll know I also said that to him

2018-07-02 20:59:00 UTC  

If you were playing attention I was talking about your post above the archive link.

2018-07-02 21:01:32 UTC  

Yes. In which I say that it was a facile comparison for the way they operate now as well.

2018-07-02 21:18:47 UTC  

Now, what I don't get is why you didn't lead with the Candid thing. That one can definitely be proven. Why would you point to the SPJ thing which is basically impossible to verify?

2018-07-02 22:28:41 UTC  

To show that the Candid thing Is not the first time it happened and it will surely not be the last.

2018-07-02 22:29:19 UTC  

And now you are mixing nazis with neo nazis