Discord ID: 481436564929642517

2018-08-21 12:10:32 UTC  

the war is here the sides are draw they just have not kicked it off

2018-08-21 12:11:24 UTC  

if you are referring to a US civil war that will take 3 days

2018-08-21 12:11:41 UTC  

how many San Fran liberals know how to hold a gun properly?

2018-08-21 12:12:15 UTC  

thats true but you have other sides at play then just white libshits

2018-08-21 12:12:38 UTC  

muslims chinese, mexican pride groups black pride groups

2018-08-21 12:13:58 UTC  

and how many of the could be armed assuming significant portions of them are willing to fight?

2018-08-21 12:14:22 UTC  

depends on who is backing them

2018-08-21 12:14:23 UTC  

and if the US military is fully functional the odds are even worse

2018-08-21 12:14:33 UTC  

too many assumptions

2018-08-21 12:14:36 UTC  

not viable

2018-08-21 12:14:41 UTC  

even if the us military is functional

2018-08-21 12:14:55 UTC  

they wont be able to do shit

2018-08-21 12:15:11 UTC  

must better strategy would be to take over institutions like education and media and just keep pumping in propaganda

2018-08-21 12:15:19 UTC  

then waiting for 50 years

2018-08-21 12:15:23 UTC  

they have run the tests .... the military fails in a civil war

2018-08-21 12:15:38 UTC  

yeah against millions of people

2018-08-21 12:15:41 UTC  

What tests?

2018-08-21 12:16:00 UTC  

but it's not like there's a north vietnam lying around in the US

2018-08-21 12:16:12 UTC  

they run tests about risk and gameplay out

2018-08-21 12:16:33 UTC  

But who are the military fighting against in these tests?

2018-08-21 12:17:01 UTC  

just in a full civil war mode

2018-08-21 12:17:13 UTC  

Against who?

2018-08-21 12:17:53 UTC  

Because if they are fighting against the Left they would probably win because they don;t have guns, but if they are fighting the Right both sides have guns.

2018-08-21 12:18:15 UTC  

like full civil war style ... a free for all

2018-08-21 12:18:52 UTC  

like that's going to happen

2018-08-21 12:18:55 UTC  

So who does win in this simulation?

2018-08-21 12:19:08 UTC  

the rebels

2018-08-21 12:19:29 UTC  

Are the rebels left or right?

2018-08-21 12:19:46 UTC  

like if both groups are warring

2018-08-21 12:20:18 UTC  

I don't think left-wing rebels could win against the military.

2018-08-21 12:20:35 UTC  

They don't have many guns, and they're concentrated in big cities.

2018-08-21 12:21:32 UTC  


2018-08-21 12:22:59 UTC  

people often forget that North Vietnamese had millions of men to sacrifice and the support of local population. US tactics were also poor. none of these factors exist when talking about Antifa or other leftist fringe groups

2018-08-21 12:24:30 UTC  

If a second civil war breaks out in America, it will be like the Spanish Civil War.

2018-08-21 12:25:01 UTC  


2018-08-22 22:47:51 UTC

2018-08-22 22:51:13 UTC  

Reminds me of Amy Biehl's family.

2018-08-22 22:51:43 UTC  

true what happened to an eye for an eye

2018-08-22 23:00:38 UTC  

They're going to find that "Evil comes in all colors" statement is quite problematic.

2018-08-22 23:02:49 UTC  

lol yea mostly yellow black and Jewish... its a color now look it up 😉