Message from @Largezo112

Discord ID: 481435953936859159

2018-08-21 12:06:07 UTC  

i doubt that a "new world order" would really improve their position

2018-08-21 12:06:24 UTC  

not even nwo stuff

2018-08-21 12:06:50 UTC  

china, russia even countries in the EU

2018-08-21 12:07:00 UTC  

would love to see america knocked out

2018-08-21 12:07:31 UTC  

ik but why would they risk their hand with a civil war?

2018-08-21 12:07:39 UTC  

they can just fund the democrats

2018-08-21 12:07:45 UTC  

and wait for 50 years

2018-08-21 12:07:54 UTC  

there not risk shit only paying a group of ppl to attack

2018-08-21 12:08:45 UTC  

China can afford to wait assuming nothing happens to Iran but the EU is held together by duct tape and dumb wishes

2018-08-21 12:09:51 UTC  

like i said it not about why..... or if..... its a when

2018-08-21 12:10:07 UTC  

please explain

2018-08-21 12:10:32 UTC  

the war is here the sides are draw they just have not kicked it off

2018-08-21 12:11:24 UTC  

if you are referring to a US civil war that will take 3 days

2018-08-21 12:11:41 UTC  

how many San Fran liberals know how to hold a gun properly?

2018-08-21 12:12:15 UTC  

thats true but you have other sides at play then just white libshits

2018-08-21 12:12:38 UTC  

muslims chinese, mexican pride groups black pride groups

2018-08-21 12:13:58 UTC  

and how many of the could be armed assuming significant portions of them are willing to fight?

2018-08-21 12:14:22 UTC  

depends on who is backing them

2018-08-21 12:14:23 UTC  

and if the US military is fully functional the odds are even worse

2018-08-21 12:14:33 UTC  

too many assumptions

2018-08-21 12:14:36 UTC  

not viable

2018-08-21 12:14:41 UTC  

even if the us military is functional

2018-08-21 12:14:55 UTC  

they wont be able to do shit

2018-08-21 12:15:11 UTC  

must better strategy would be to take over institutions like education and media and just keep pumping in propaganda

2018-08-21 12:15:19 UTC  

then waiting for 50 years

2018-08-21 12:15:23 UTC  

they have run the tests .... the military fails in a civil war

2018-08-21 12:15:38 UTC  

yeah against millions of people

2018-08-21 12:15:41 UTC  

What tests?

2018-08-21 12:16:00 UTC  

but it's not like there's a north vietnam lying around in the US

2018-08-21 12:16:12 UTC  

they run tests about risk and gameplay out

2018-08-21 12:16:33 UTC  

But who are the military fighting against in these tests?

2018-08-21 12:17:01 UTC  

just in a full civil war mode

2018-08-21 12:17:13 UTC  

Against who?

2018-08-21 12:17:53 UTC  

Because if they are fighting against the Left they would probably win because they don;t have guns, but if they are fighting the Right both sides have guns.

2018-08-21 12:18:15 UTC  

like full civil war style ... a free for all

2018-08-21 12:18:52 UTC  

like that's going to happen

2018-08-21 12:18:55 UTC  

So who does win in this simulation?

2018-08-21 12:19:08 UTC  

the rebels

2018-08-21 12:19:29 UTC  

Are the rebels left or right?

2018-08-21 12:19:46 UTC  

like if both groups are warring

2018-08-21 12:20:18 UTC  

I don't think left-wing rebels could win against the military.