Discord ID: 515683756326125568

2018-11-06 00:42:00 UTC  

We should make a movie on Martin Luther King with him played by a white actor. After all, color shouldn't matter in casting actors.

2018-11-06 00:42:48 UTC  

^chinese mlk

2018-11-06 00:43:01 UTC  

then they can't go whypopoo

2018-11-07 16:26:27 UTC

2018-11-07 19:45:40 UTC  


2018-11-08 20:13:36 UTC  
2018-11-12 19:31:06 UTC  

Here's the blackpill on circumcision in one image.

2018-11-16 19:42:51 UTC  

It’s actually just plain old Münchausen syndrome, the proxy only applies if the subject is using someone else’s (usually a child, spouse, or elderly parent) fake or manufactured condition to gain attention and social standing.
>>193649334 (OP)
The real answer is that all this shit is being pushed hard to give the jew surgeons practice for constructing the baphomet. They want to create a hermaphrodite that can reproduce with itself, an unholy imitation of the virgin birth. This is meant to conceive the antichrist

2018-11-16 19:43:01 UTC  

<:Thoughts:408715607555702784> big if true

2018-11-22 14:53:22 UTC

2018-11-22 14:55:06 UTC  


2018-11-24 00:19:22 UTC

2018-11-24 00:20:53 UTC  


2018-11-24 00:21:36 UTC  


2018-11-24 00:22:23 UTC  

written by a kike .... bet ron lieber will leave his children something

2018-11-24 00:22:25 UTC  

They will NOT be fine. None of us will ever see a penny of Social Security.

2018-11-24 00:22:55 UTC  

it’s going to to dry up by 2034

2018-11-24 00:23:08 UTC  

no one going to be fine in the next 10 years

2018-11-24 00:23:16 UTC  


2018-11-24 00:23:55 UTC  

Social Security was created in 1935 so it will only have lasted a hundred years.

2018-11-24 00:24:22 UTC  

kek there houses in Europe older

2018-11-24 00:26:34 UTC  

well very black pilling and anti christian said post was made

2018-11-24 00:26:40 UTC  

This is what I did to my Boomer parents. They gave us nothing and pissed their enormous wealth away on nigger art, nigger charities, and Christian church shit. We were left with literally nothing.

I had them declared mentally unfit and then got control over the tiny amount of wealth and possessions they had left. I liquidated all their shit, got $25k for it, and used it to buy a new Subaru BRZ.

Then I stuck them in the worst state-run nursing home I could find in the nigger part of town. They begged me to move them literally three days after they got there. My response was as follows:

>Stop being racist! This is their culture. You spent your whole life supporting these people and bringing them into the country. You are staying there and you will learn to live among them!

I paid their coon caretaker $500 cash to ignore any of their requests that were """unreasonable""" and told that shitskin they were both racist and to do what you have to in order to keep them in line. They are both suffering a lot of abuse including not being properly cleaned.

It's the future they both chose. For you pussies who will cry about this, you can take your Christcuck Bible faggot shit and shove it up your ass. Forgiveness never works. Boomers deserve to be punished. The only way white people will ever learn anything is through their suffering. We need to ensure that the entire Boomer generation's final years are sadistic torture as a warning to future generations who might piss away their children's opportunities.

...Final note: my mom spent her entire life working with a Lutheran church to import Somalian nogs into America and she was very successful at it. I hope one of her caretakers gives her a fucking good smack or three

2018-11-24 00:29:07 UTC  


2018-11-24 00:29:33 UTC  

Lord have mercy

2018-11-24 00:29:57 UTC  

hes not right but not wrong eather

2018-11-24 00:31:33 UTC  

they actively destroyed the usa and should be punished

2018-11-24 00:32:13 UTC  

everyone always wants earthly punishment like God doesn’t see what’s going on

2018-11-24 00:32:32 UTC  

if He sees it fit, they will see divine retribution in the next life

2018-11-24 00:33:16 UTC  

i doubt god would send them to hell

2018-11-24 00:34:26 UTC  

should they be put down for treason yes but seems they have a worse fate

2018-11-24 00:46:14 UTC  

Reminds me of how Scar was killed in the "Lion King".

2018-11-24 01:17:09 UTC

2018-11-24 01:20:47 UTC  

first ever gay kiss

2018-11-24 01:20:58 UTC  


2018-11-24 01:21:04 UTC  


2018-11-24 01:21:20 UTC  

this is why this shit was kept suppressed