Message from @Seatoast

Discord ID: 407987399667482624

2018-01-30 19:05:10 UTC  

The amount of time he spent with her seemed odd. I live in the residence area where Dara is stationed at the desk, and Rick is always there. I don't think too much of it at the time and I didn't tell Larry because I didn't want to cause friction if it all turned out to be something innocent.

2018-01-30 19:11:12 UTC  

Now there's something you need to know about Dara: she's a bit of a tumblr feminist. She managed to more or less corrupt my friend Larry in a similar way, he'll share feminist articles from time to time, that sort of thing.
Apparently around halfway through the semester, Dara decides she's going to stop having sex because she's something called "grey sexual". Which apparently means that sometimes she wants to have sex and sometimes she doesn't. You tell me how that makes her different from the average person, but I digress. The bit that puts this into focus is that her and Larry were fucking like rabbits not 6 months ago. What changed? Well, we'll get to that.

2018-01-30 19:15:24 UTC  

But first we need to talk about Rick, the mutual friend. Rick is, for all intents and purposes a hedonist, that's not being unkind, he'd probably wear that like a badge of honor. Amongst his many, many kinks is rope play, and I'll give you three guesses who also turns out to be into rope play, but you'll only need one.

2018-01-30 19:28:02 UTC  

Lol I love this story.

2018-01-30 19:28:35 UTC  

So Rick and Dara start writing erotica to each other via text, I shit you not, behind Larry's back. This carries on until thanksgiving break. Now, it's important to give you the rundown on Larry and Dara's living situation, because it'll really make this tragedy come together. Larry and Dara live in an appartment off campus that Dara somehow finagled Larry into paying the rent for and keeping up the ruse that it is she who is paying the rent to her family back home, who don't know that she is in a relationship with Larry. Larry is apparently completely fine with this up to the point where he is entirely willing to hide all of his stuff that's in the appartment before her parents visit, as they did this most recent thanksgiving break. So Larry is sleeping somewhere other than the appartment he is paying for while his girlfriend is pretending she doesn't have a boyfriend and that she's somehow paying $1100 a month for an appartment on her meager salary from the university, and she's STILL. SEXTING. RICK.

2018-01-30 19:37:33 UTC  

But it gets better. Now we don't know for a fact that Rick cucked Larry, but what I'm about to tell you may give you the very strong impression that that's exactly what happened. So shortly before or after the break (this was relayed to me second hand by another mutual friend, so I forget which), Rick decides he's going to go out that day wearing a rope harness under his clothes in public, to really give him that extra tingle in his pingle. He goes to his classes and then heads to his usual spot at Dara's desk. After a while, he notices that the rope harness has come loose. Now, does Rick A) go to the bathroom and tighten him up himself, B) go back to his room and take it off like a normal human being, or C) ask his good friend's girlfriend to help him tighten his rope harness(even though he apparently had no problem getting it situated himself that morning) while she's at work at the back of the mail room like a fucking animal?
If you answered C), you can spot a trend.

2018-01-30 19:40:19 UTC  

So we don't know for a fact that Rick cucked Larry, but I'm like 95% sure he did. And what makes me even surer is that in the last couple of weeks, she has admitted to Larry to sleeping with a long time female friend behind his back.

2018-01-30 19:41:56 UTC  

Wait.. She's double cucking him? With a man and a woman?!

2018-01-30 19:44:42 UTC  

And do you want to know what the worst part is? Larry appears to have only sunken deeper into feminism. He runs a feminist movie blog now, for fuck's sake. The man's got to have a breaking point, but how far does it have to go. The girlfriend who's existence he subsidizes basically wants to fuck everyone but him, and he knows all of this now. She hasn't shown remorse, and neither has Rick. In fact, Rick often drives both Rick and Dara home from the front desk. Rick doesn't even need a ride. His place is walking distance from the mail desk. The man has the look of the dead about him

2018-01-30 19:44:44 UTC  

This next level

2018-01-30 19:44:55 UTC  

There's no helping him

2018-01-30 19:45:18 UTC  

Let him reap what was sowed

2018-01-30 19:45:21 UTC  


2018-01-30 19:45:29 UTC  

Also whiskey

2018-01-30 19:45:36 UTC  

Ya boy finnalt got an interview

2018-01-30 19:54:01 UTC  

Dino, what have you told him in order to snap out of it and wake up?

2018-01-30 19:55:08 UTC  

@Seatoast you did?! Yay!! What's the scoop? Is it convenient to you and a place you're really interested?

2018-01-30 19:55:37 UTC  

It's in Texas. That's my only requirement lmao

2018-01-30 19:55:42 UTC  

Abilene specifically

2018-01-30 19:56:14 UTC  

How far is the drive or will it be Skype?

2018-01-30 19:56:16 UTC  

I'll have to move but my parents are real as fuck and will help me with that

2018-01-30 19:56:22 UTC  

They're just gonna call me tomm

2018-01-30 19:56:33 UTC  

But it's like 10 hours or so from my house

2018-01-30 19:57:00 UTC  

They want your degenerate ass out the house. Lol

2018-01-30 19:57:17 UTC  

They actually don't lmfao

2018-01-30 19:57:21 UTC  

My mom is butthurt

2018-01-30 19:58:42 UTC  

It's tomorrow? Don't forget to look up the company and have questions about it. Go over stuff in your head so you can ace the interview

2018-01-30 19:59:03 UTC  

That's a good tip!

2018-01-30 19:59:16 UTC  

10 hours. That's really far from home.

2018-01-30 19:59:19 UTC  

First real interview that's not for just shit tier manual labor

2018-01-30 19:59:25 UTC  

Meh I've been all over Texas

2018-01-30 19:59:31 UTC  

I feel at home all over the state

2018-01-30 19:59:48 UTC  

Yes, so if it's a good position, don't mess it up.

2018-01-30 20:00:11 UTC  

@Whiskey-Vargas what can I tell him? Hold on, here's a picture of a recent communique one of my friends received from him. She said no and Rick backed her up.

2018-01-30 20:00:41 UTC  

There's no helping this man

2018-01-30 20:00:43 UTC  

Oh my god get fucked. Bernie be gone!

2018-01-30 20:01:13 UTC  

I'm on a college campus, were you expecting any better?

2018-01-30 20:02:10 UTC  

I wish you luck but you don't need it cause you'll do your homework and kill them with charm! @Seatoast

2018-01-30 20:02:13 UTC  

I wont disappoint you mom

2018-01-30 20:02:21 UTC  


2018-01-30 20:02:28 UTC  
