Message from @ebowden
Discord ID: 397673264706486274
It's a side charging AR
Stock is hand made and it's just built to be fancy as well as California compliant
epic xd
If bitcoin goes up to $20k I kind of want to buy the ghost gunner machine
It's like a CNC milling machine, but worse.
oh god forgot about that shit
that youtube cuck nutnfancy's kid did that
Fucking how? How do you not put two and two together? I'd understand if he accidentally let the bolt slide forward and give him garand thumb. It happens. But this? Bullet go down barrel. It's not hard.
He's either that stupid (plausible) or they did it for views
More likely
What if I start eating on the wrong e
This ancient man I know is building a 3D printer that is basically the best money can buy thanks to his brilliant extrusion head and build chamber design.
He can print wax properly, and even fucking PEEK.
PEEK is the shit.
(Normally 3DP makers hate the 2nd ammendment.)
His printer prints ABS with zero warp.
"this machine is meant to be a shop tool and pay for itself with real parts"
Norwegians enjoying their hk416s
Kfitfags, help me out. I'm looking to buy my first gun. What do you guys recommend?
Browning M2
It fix every problem
The AREX is extremely rugged, and comes at a decent price, much to the chagrin of Sig fanboys @Dinosorcerer.
Looks a lot like what CZ has to offer.
Well, it's like the Sig, but cheaper and better.