Message from @Graham

Discord ID: 530888261669879808

2019-01-01 16:44:04 UTC  

Trump needs to go Theodore Roosevelt on their asses.

2019-01-01 16:44:15 UTC  

agreed but he wont

2019-01-01 16:44:34 UTC  


2019-01-02 04:28:49 UTC  


2019-01-02 04:29:35 UTC  

the leftist meltdowns

2019-01-02 04:29:53 UTC  


2019-01-02 04:30:15 UTC  

mayb i visit brazil later this year or next year

2019-01-02 09:14:09 UTC  


2019-01-02 11:04:30 UTC  


2019-01-02 17:51:08 UTC  

so looking through the interweb i fond this creator i've seen before and a new video up. so i watched it. little did i know the racist why in which they addressed their problems onto one whole race, gender and sexuality. let me know what you think of the response i've made to it?

2019-01-03 10:00:08 UTC  

Someone who watches Rachel Maddow unironically, thinks Trump should be in jail, and thinks that Diversity is our Strength said that I'm an extremist because I think that ethic groups should have their respective homelands to themselves. I'm very extreme for that.

2019-01-03 10:00:47 UTC  

People that want to forever ethnically change countries and completely go against the example of history and human nature are the sane and non-extreme ones, I guess.

2019-01-03 10:52:28 UTC  


2019-01-03 10:53:11 UTC  

that's textbook example of brainwashing @Graham warping one's mind to accept insane conclusions as logical and true

2019-01-03 21:46:06 UTC  

It's insane @Largezo112

2019-01-04 22:23:20 UTC  

A boomer I'm arguing with about immigration wrote this to me, I'm wondering what you all think of it:

Non immigrant (Muslim) conversion is an equilibrium, so demographically they're not going "anywhere" other than becoming well off, patriotic Americans, with prayer mats. As for religion, well, seems were slowly turning into a an international secular civilisation. Even Baptists in the USA are in decline, fighting a reactionary rearguard. What might change this trend? Massive environmental / health type disasters such as those bringing ab out climate change or depleting resources including water. A good outcome hopefully will result from drawing even more deeply on modern science and technology, innovating, and advancing a political collaboration on all fronts. Luck will matter.

As for Europe, Europeans brought this on themselves, and are and will have to deal with their immigrant populations accordingly. Their low birth rates were part of the problem in the first place. I figure as the Middle East thing cools off, a lot of this will take care of itself. Europeans have already moved populist wise to repel more immigration. The immigrants will gradually mingle with "native" Germans, French, British... something already underway, with generally productive results. You seem to forget Europe is a wholesale patchwork of ethnic criss crossing, in the past, by invaders and colonists. Eg take in a documentary called Charlemagne and the Saxons... or watch all those amazing documentaries about the "Vikings". What we have today is paradise by comparison. As far as I'm concerned more of a "big tent" approach is better than over-sustaining old ethnic / nationalist identities."

2019-01-04 22:26:06 UTC  

Behold, the murderer of nations. Lo, I saw a pale Winebago, and the boomer who drove it was Death.

2019-01-04 23:01:13 UTC  
2019-01-04 23:20:21 UTC  

He calls native Germans "native" with quotes, as if Germans are just somehow immigrants and Europeans are not native to their respective homelands in Europe.

2019-01-04 23:20:25 UTC  

This is so sick.

2019-01-04 23:20:51 UTC  

cringe and yikes pilled

2019-01-04 23:21:11 UTC  

@Oliver Starley what do you mean?

2019-01-04 23:21:35 UTC  

a variation on cringe and bluepilled

2019-01-04 23:21:39 UTC  


2019-01-04 23:22:14 UTC  

Well, take in mind that this is someone that proudly says he watches Rachel Maddow and subscribes to - not just reads - the Guardian, NYT, and HuffPo

2019-01-04 23:22:48 UTC  

i’m gonna hurl

2019-01-04 23:23:37 UTC  

People like him are the reason I'll never be able to visit my ethnic homeland (Fatherland). Hope his 401k shrivels on the vine.

2019-01-04 23:24:35 UTC  

And he always has this flowery optimism about the future of multiculturalism. He thinks that Muslims are going to become liberal and that the mixture of peoples coming to North America and Europe will create a much better future and will be (and he said this) the "pinnacle of civilization"

2019-01-04 23:25:13 UTC  

regarding mass immigration and intermarriage, "I say mix it up!" he says

2019-01-04 23:25:18 UTC  

Hope he has kids so they can suffer along with the rest of us.

2019-01-04 23:25:28 UTC  

This very cringey flowery idealism

2019-01-04 23:25:48 UTC  

He has a grown daughter, but I don't know about any grand children, he's like 72 or so

2019-01-04 23:26:20 UTC  

Father time will claim him soon.

2019-01-04 23:27:22 UTC  

How is it fair that the host populations need to give up their territory, compromise their culture, and intermix their genetics with those coming in who have their homelands and ethnic peoples intact?

2019-01-04 23:27:39 UTC  

Isn't it completely fucking obvious that the host peoples are the ones that lose?

2019-01-04 23:27:58 UTC  

And that the ones coming in get expansion without the need for military conquest?

2019-01-04 23:28:16 UTC  

But muh tolerance.

2019-01-04 23:29:21 UTC  

And I am not saying this in any racist way. I want other peoples to survive, too. If Japan and Korea are broken through and the multiculturalsts flood them, then I'd be advocating for them too

2019-01-04 23:29:55 UTC  

They need more Somali astronauts and doctors in order to survive as a culture too.

2019-01-04 23:30:55 UTC  

I think what's happening to European peoples is absolutely wrong and evil, and I am incredibly frustrated and pissed off about it. I am in Canada, and Canada was built by British, French, and later (at least in Alberta) Ukrainian settlers. And I never really had a problem with Canada, because it was multiethnic for a long time, being multiethnic.