Message from @Matt-UT

Discord ID: 469651432807727115

2018-07-19 23:18:30 UTC  

bet this guy didn't actually cut in line

2018-07-19 23:18:39 UTC  

something else is going on

2018-07-19 23:38:29 UTC  

whats going on with it?

2018-07-19 23:42:01 UTC  

just saying, i don't think he actually cut in line. he was there to pick up an order, or something. cutting could be considered a smackable offense, but i think it's just chimps chimping

2018-07-19 23:42:20 UTC  

yea man he relaxed

2018-07-19 23:42:51 UTC  

never relax around blacks

2018-07-19 23:43:28 UTC  

long past time to play minecraft with the sambos

2018-07-19 23:44:10 UTC  

hahahah is there a large basket america minecraft group?

2018-07-19 23:44:26 UTC  


2018-07-19 23:44:31 UTC  


2018-07-19 23:44:43 UTC  

dare i say /our/ buiding game?

2018-07-19 23:45:14 UTC  

do you even meme bro

2018-07-19 23:45:29 UTC  

not on that one i guess kek

2018-07-19 23:45:54 UTC  

when you say unsayable things you follow it with *in minecraft* so everyone knows you weren't *really* condoning ahem unspeakable acts

2018-07-19 23:46:16 UTC  

i just twisted it around for the lolz

2018-07-19 23:46:17 UTC  

oh ok 😉

2018-07-19 23:46:34 UTC  

we going to play minecraft with the kikes

2018-07-19 23:46:41 UTC  


2018-07-19 23:46:46 UTC  

our dark skinned borthers are just like us and belong in our societies

2018-07-19 23:46:57 UTC  

one race the hooman race

2018-07-19 23:47:07 UTC  

and jews are magic

2018-07-19 23:47:13 UTC  

muh chosen

2018-07-19 23:47:29 UTC  


2018-07-19 23:47:51 UTC  

gloria borger

2018-07-19 23:48:12 UTC  

👏👏 Meme Review!

2018-07-19 23:48:42 UTC  

you see, if you reject God's new covenant He actually exalts you and places you above the people who accepted it

2018-07-19 23:48:45 UTC

2018-07-19 23:49:15 UTC  


2018-07-19 23:59:46 UTC  

when is tonights show

2018-07-20 00:00:03 UTC  

idk i think they do it on friday night

2018-07-20 00:00:16 UTC  

oh someone said they were doing a meme show today

2018-07-20 00:00:23 UTC  

yea they are my bad

2018-07-20 00:00:55 UTC  

They have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday but sometimes Orwell's Internet cucks out because he lives in a third world country, i.e. Argentina

2018-07-20 00:01:16 UTC  

he does? thats tite i thought he was in england

2018-07-20 00:01:30 UTC  

mad respect bruv

2018-07-20 00:01:37 UTC  

He used to but he moved

2018-07-20 00:01:44 UTC  

v V jelly

2018-07-20 00:01:49 UTC  

He's planning on moving to America next year

2018-07-20 00:01:54 UTC  

oh wow dumb

2018-07-20 00:01:59 UTC  

he was smart the uk is more of a 3rd world shithole then argentina

2018-07-20 00:02:05 UTC  

argentina or uruguay for me