Discord ID: 514276948810399744

2018-11-20 01:45:42 UTC  

Spam it spelling out the n word

2018-11-20 02:51:00 UTC  

@Constantine false The Spanish are the only white Meds left

2018-11-20 02:51:26 UTC  

Spain was under Muslim rule for far longer than parts of Italy were.

2018-11-20 02:52:22 UTC  

And they are still are white

2018-11-20 02:52:26 UTC  


2018-11-20 02:52:53 UTC  

Race isn't just skin color.

2018-11-20 02:53:42 UTC  

That sounds like a cope

2018-11-20 02:54:26 UTC  

The fact that Italians, in your opinion, are too dark to be considered white has nothing to do with if they are white.

2018-11-20 02:55:05 UTC  

Greeks and Italians are just Turkish hybrids

2018-11-20 02:55:17 UTC  


2018-11-20 02:55:26 UTC  

Turkey never conquered Italy.

2018-11-20 02:55:49 UTC  

But for a brazilian, they all are white

2018-11-20 02:56:19 UTC  

Greeks have the same genetic make-up today as their ancestors did thousands of years ago:

2018-11-20 02:56:24 UTC  

turkeys is like itaians, portugueses, alabaneses

2018-11-20 02:57:07 UTC  


2018-11-20 03:02:22 UTC  

lol the science jew

2018-11-20 03:02:26 UTC  


2018-11-20 03:03:42 UTC  

😑 its hard to believe anything (((discovered))) now a days

2018-11-20 03:12:16 UTC  

I'm not bothering to read the article, but I'm guessing they're saying that because some Huguenots moved to England therefore unlimited immigration from Pakistan is okay.

2018-11-20 03:12:59 UTC  

my point science pretty much now is a joke on an epic level

2018-11-20 03:13:55 UTC  

True, but that doesn't mean that their genetic tests were wrong.

2018-11-20 03:14:10 UTC  

what makes it right?

2018-11-20 03:14:17 UTC  


2018-11-20 03:14:53 UTC  

What motive would they have to say that modern and ancient Europeans are the same?

2018-11-20 03:14:56 UTC  

science is yes or no kinda thing or maybe in subjective conditions

2018-11-20 03:15:05 UTC  

If anything, they would be motivated to say the opposite.

2018-11-20 03:15:40 UTC  

i just dont buy it man

2018-11-20 03:15:53 UTC  

If their genetic testing found that modern Greeks have a Turkish or other admixture, they would definitely publish it and say this is proof that Europe is a continent of immigrants.

2018-11-20 03:18:45 UTC  

until we have an actual state and actual scientists i put anything new on the way back burner

2018-11-20 03:25:51 UTC  

Well, if we are going down to the DNA, we might as well say that there is no pure __ anyone, and all humans are immigrants. Since we all migrated out of central Africa after all!

2018-11-20 03:26:35 UTC  

Humans aren't even purely human, we have Neanderthal admixture.

2018-11-20 04:48:49 UTC  

all so out of africa crap when the oldest human is a white swede

2018-11-20 04:48:55 UTC  


2018-11-20 04:49:38 UTC  

out of my fucking hairy ass more likely then KANGZ we all be from the mother land

2018-11-20 11:38:28 UTC  

Why don't we just all say we are space dust at this point?

2018-11-20 12:56:06 UTC  

newsflash supremacists

2018-11-20 12:56:08 UTC  

whites arent white

2018-11-20 12:56:23 UTC  

blacks are the real whites

2018-11-20 14:40:42 UTC  

poland based as shit