Message from @DakGeth
Discord ID: 278369815146790914
I'm saying to not leak /pol/ into meetings
@DakGeth my point is that, if you guys actually are taking this seriously, then you need to prune anything /pol/ related. right now in chat theyre talking about jewish conspiracy
trump supporters or not
you have to get rid of it if you want to grow
I agree
So that's why you turn away people who are too immature to take this seriously and owuld rather abolish the image of this group with a heil hitler salute
All you need is one idiot
My meme arsenal is ready
I think our core beliefs should focus on individual rights (including freedom of speech). thats literally all you need
free market capitalism is tangential, but not relevant
but the memes we could use would hurt their image
memes are also extremely important for swaying people culturally. the military has unironically funded meme research because they see it as a method of mass propganda
average citizens see this and they can find it funny
Most ppl that needed convincing are convinced
Also insane vetting will need to be required
@Fokma(Bonjour) most people see the alt right associated with nazism though. We need a method of separarting ourselves from that and just meme socialists and communists
Most ppl dont know what the alt right is
And tbh its not worth using that label
Since pussy ass spencer fucked it
San Francisco faggots =/= desert people
Make a new label for this discord, "anti leftist coalition" or something
y tho
We need to piss off the leftards
So they do something crazy
we exist, isn't that good enough?
counter opposition
Design for wall. Mexicans can climb over it, but they'll always be on the same side.
@DakGeth being 100% serious, we could just coordinate memes and activity online, and we would be very effective. You don't really need vetting for online activity, because we fundamentally don't approve of violence. Our point is to just promote free speech and point out the idiocy of communism
you could show up at protests
Btw since we have new members, if you are in NC PM me for future right wing speaker events
but at the same time, most people see news on twitter
Question is, do they build the wall first or after deportation?