Message from @daltoid
Discord ID: 277121239548690442
The liberals chimping out like they are will eventually lead to a crackdown from the feds
The liberals are the useful idiots
Martial law? dunno
More control
it's their puppets I'm looking at
puppet masters*
Monarchism is great aswell
They're not acting like they do
In fact, they are causing all of the violence they say they're against
>Wants peace
@Ulstèr-Scotch elective monarchy for the sin
Calling for violence against "nazis"
>Causes fights when they don't get their way
"nazi" is whoever you decide it to be
Yeah I have
I have before carrying a
protest of the protest
Monarchism is actually great
It's proven to work
Kaiser Willy Two ❤
"Patriarchy is a conspiracy theory"
>implying Patriarchy is bad
ay liberal, how much are you getting paid for this
They shoved me over and broke my sign
No punches, just pushed
There was one dude who did it, but there was a group with him watching him
I did
report it
but nothing came of it
Don't expect any amounts of reason from them
they believe they are justified in harming you
as they percieve you as an actual Nazi
Changed muh name
They're publicly calling for violence
We've already tried
It's getting too late for that
I have
I talked to an Anarcho Communist