Message from @HoppetillyouDroppe
Discord ID: 290403187175718915
I changed my server name long time ago when there was no vetted or unvetted members, when everyone was equal and everyone was able to change their name
But these times is gone
>Everyone being equal
sounds like communism to me
i changed mine like 4 days ago
@HoppetillyouDroppe long time ago
Marxists get out
@nord Egalitarianism is a Revolt Against Nature
Has any been to a marxists discord? Low energy as fuck! Sad
I was there
It's shit
WIth almost no activity
this is the fisrt discord ive ever used
I lurk on "Communists Rule"...sad
that would trigger me to the moon
tfw my regular discord has a stolen anticom logo because we are also sperglords
i would become a helicpopter
I'd shit post to demoralize on their, but they're all ready to sad
2 month
how do we know there arent marixt infiltraitors in this discord RIGHT NOW
Still rocking a fashy American flag
most likely there are some
we dont
On Twitter at least
Im sure they are here
I think that marxist shills can be in readonly
Or they can post illegal shit
And make screenshots then
I used to think lefty pol was entirely troll posting
and then I argued with a legit ancom on pol
They're are some of the traps/trap lovers n the like. So no doubt
how do these people exist
A question for the ages
Boomer cucks raised millennial cucks
Boomers man
Tfw my generation is either cucks or bigots... I'm glad I'm a bigot
millennials suck
i am one