Message from @Douglas Castle
Discord ID: 495231882984816640
☕️ understood. I like the policies. I’m all about them. I just didn’t know them. 🚿
Congratulations @Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins, you're now level 2.
Hahahahaha suck it!
@Botchan suck my balls.
what the frig is enhanced vetting...
what do monkeys eat?
@TaCktiX various bodily fluids will be submitted. Supreme jenk submissions I hear bring you right to the top.
@Botchan I don't know what monkeys eat. Ask Obama.
No, no one found the humor in that?
-slaps Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins with Will's SquidBot-
@Botchan why is it always Will's Squidbot?
Discord map is a nice touch
I agree
I second @Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins 's agreence..
Congratulations @Douglas Castle, you're now level 1.
Here's the new NewsBlast 2 help Anon's.
9.28.18 NewsBlast -8min
@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins no because we know Obama eats fried chicken and watermelon with a side of okra.
@Moooooooooooooo touche
@Moooooooooooooo and of course we left our Michael's benis....
Spotted Debbie in the demonstration at the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting this morning
Leahy said "it feels like Alice in wonderland sometimes here"
Interesting comment
Rofl is Leahy drunk?
He could go ahead and have a heart attack and I don't think many would complain
Im just here to listen to Graham and then im out. I can't handle these douchebags much more this week
@Golfinweg I am here for Graham as well.
I cant handle these fucks.
He's talking very softly but he is ass rapping the dems.
If the Democrats on the committee said #MeToo after this... I'd actually believe then
Congratulations @Golfinweg, you're now level 1.
And im out. I can't listen to the chucklefucks
Yup. #metoo.. Gotta head to work. Deuces, yo..
Graham made me tear up at the end
Congratulations @LaserTrain, you're now level 2.
Looks like the ABA is partial
ABA is Deep State