Message from @Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins
Discord ID: 498645470319476737
At least crop your shitty screen shot
Hopefully your battery runs out and you can't charge it up again......
Ios 10 was a stretch
whos haley hamm
Doesn’t pull up as twatter account
it's been deleted
years ago
@VOL that's crazy!
Yeah I been digging into that shit
Had tied one on watching the fight and was ready to goto fucking war with russia!!!
Been digging all day
sorry, no libtards allowed in the gates of heaven
How backwards this world is right now. We should have been banging on Barry's office in the same manor.
dying gasps of a system of control losing its capacity to influence
have to take the long view for right now, or you'll get horrifically depressed
Yeah, I've noticed myself reaching for some bourbon more often
I just drink my typical amount of coffee
God is in control of things, so what have I to gain by worrying?
I've just read Pelosi's statement, this can backfire on them. But I guess if the Dems are telling "the people" Kavanaugh will take part in helping to do away with the constitution and put the President "above the law", no wonder the dem-demonstrators are going crazy, they are being lied to terribly.
the interesting thing about the Pelosi statement: it's from 2017
their need to gloat is their downfall, as they are hoisted by their own petards
Idk, the press release says, 10/6/18.
oh, you were referring to something else
I thought you meant her video about "smears"
She is speaking in regards to the Kavanaugh FBI investigation <-- what I thought you were referring to, June 22, 2017
Oh I saw that too. She has that down pretty good!
Congratulations @Daisy Rey, you're now level 3.