Message from @Ilya Muromets

Discord ID: 321884804461101057

2017-06-07 05:26:59 UTC  

just no QT 3.14 to extract

2017-06-07 05:27:13 UTC  

Same but I'm in az they're in sw co

2017-06-07 05:28:07 UTC  

So I have a route thru apache and Navajo land planned if it comes to roads not being safe

2017-06-07 05:29:00 UTC  

I got 15 min drive max through country roads in whcih I or we know everyone I solid

2017-06-07 05:29:20 UTC  

No qt3.14 either. Fucking whore fiance I knew for 10 years got knocked up by her boss at the job I got her in 15

2017-06-07 05:29:28 UTC  


2017-06-07 05:29:46 UTC  

I'm in the cartel infested hive

2017-06-07 05:29:51 UTC  


2017-06-07 05:29:58 UTC  

my county is like 99 percent white

2017-06-07 05:30:01 UTC  

Yeah I nearly lost it

2017-06-07 05:30:11 UTC  

most the farmers are all ex mil too

2017-06-07 05:30:21 UTC  

marines and army

2017-06-07 05:31:30 UTC  

In my early 20s I thought I had a family set but mom turned out to be a whore and I bugged out after the meltdown situation and her insanity and went 11b in the guard

2017-06-07 05:32:27 UTC  

divorce doesnt happen in family and there is very set heirarchy within it

2017-06-07 05:32:47 UTC  

discipline and heirarchy has preserved and instilled generational success and is needed

2017-06-07 05:33:46 UTC  

Thinking of going back in next year and going for a commissioned as I am waiting to work in a lab but miss it

2017-06-07 05:34:08 UTC  

Maybe move states. Sell my house here

2017-06-07 05:34:26 UTC  

I enjoy the guard

2017-06-07 05:34:43 UTC  

there is a call to active duty and I have been asked about it but idk

2017-06-07 05:35:15 UTC  

I think I am getting 2 medals from this rape fest we just did lol I may just stay guard

2017-06-07 05:35:17 UTC  

I should be able to go back in at 30 and get a commission through ocs right?

2017-06-07 05:35:23 UTC  

idk age anymore

2017-06-07 05:35:34 UTC  

I am already in so dont pay attention

2017-06-07 05:35:56 UTC  

something very historic about militias and v v implicit to leave your life fight then come back to civ

2017-06-07 05:36:01 UTC  

v cincinatus

2017-06-07 05:36:03 UTC  

I'm pretty sure it's 32 just for new enlistees

2017-06-07 05:36:53 UTC  

idk you will have to google idk Officer entry reqs

2017-06-07 05:37:19 UTC  

I did before I'm pr3tty positive I'm fine

2017-06-07 05:37:28 UTC  

Just don't know off top of head

2017-06-07 05:37:33 UTC  

idk either

2017-06-07 05:37:47 UTC  

I just want to pin captain to tell other captains to shut the fuck up

2017-06-07 05:38:23 UTC  

With biochem education I wonder if they will try to gear me to a certain MOS

2017-06-07 05:38:33 UTC  

Don't blame ya

2017-06-07 05:38:55 UTC  

not really they can ask but you still pref

2017-06-07 05:39:05 UTC  

my dad was bio chem and math undergrad and went infantry/ranger

2017-06-07 05:39:13 UTC  

I enjoyed 11b

2017-06-07 05:39:21 UTC  

they asked to do chem he said fugg no

2017-06-07 05:39:30 UTC  

That's living

2017-06-07 05:40:08 UTC  

I was finance /poli sci and will have a masters degree

2017-06-07 05:40:25 UTC  

dad has 2 masters one MS one MA but I think I will maybe stay infantry or go SF or CA

2017-06-07 05:40:29 UTC  

as captain