Message from @esgee
Discord ID: 294283496317517824
I'm really liking this bot
ive never seen a bot like this
OP is a faggot
aw it didnt work
Pence! Gay
there's a cooldown
I believe Void said it was like ~5 minutes but he's the one that made the bot so ask him if you're more curious
shit I fucked it
~check meme?
its too smart
Even Pence Bot knows @Kori Tainaka is a faggot
That's what you get for having loli in your name
So can I get vetted?
join voice channel
@SilverShill hey now, buckeye born, michigan bred, here. Our best keep escaping to NASA and leaving the yokels to care for the state.
tfw you get suspended from plebbit for calling someone a fag
alright cyou guys tomorrow
lets play a game of "how many ways is this story fake news"
guys putting our stickers on water bottles and handing them out to unarmed individuals would be a great way to bring attention to our good Samaritan ways
That's not a half bad idea
PR man PR we are there to support our conservative brothers in a defensive manner and spreading our message that the commies are out for blood while handing it out only shows our strength. also making sure you bring medical supplies for worst case scenaros is a big deal to me
Wear a anticom t shirt and hand out items to the homeless
besides that black and yellow screams dont step on snek so no real need to explain who we are to everybody, and pol will think where ancaps, either which way someone inbetween will question the flags and shirts excat symbols