Message from @Moonman
Discord ID: 277975001464832001
No uniforms is a good idea but how do you stop shills from getting in
We protect the community from violence and shit like that, we don't start and participate in it
I'm not suggesting throwing the first punch
Only battle would be self defense
we dont participate in fighting?
but I'm gonna start swinging if I get hit in the mouth
Its deterrence
You won't have to do because a 100 of us will inimidate them
That has literally been our whole message, being peaceful and helping your community
were like the muslim brotherhood
I wouldn't mind though casual Friday protest at CNN in NYC for example
I just pulled it off of the <#276943065183420416> discord
but I'll dm you the .png if you want it
i got it thanks tho
yo @tinaVey
@Anticom LR Does this look autistic?
someone explain to me the meaning behind the elk
There's deer on our seal.
ahh, got it
why does it look like it have a penis on its back
looks deformed though
i realised thats a snake
I hhate being a cunt biut it dosnt look good :/
Looks like a penis is being rammed through its throat
ew no
@SwedeScania I have never met a swede without a penis fixation.
@Odalist Refrain it looms like a shadow puppet. So yes.
anyone got our logo without the middle symbol, just empty?