Message from @CStiles
Discord ID: 277976194799108097
but I'm gonna start swinging if I get hit in the mouth
Its deterrence
You won't have to do because a 100 of us will inimidate them
That has literally been our whole message, being peaceful and helping your community
were like the muslim brotherhood
I wouldn't mind though casual Friday protest at CNN in NYC for example
I just pulled it off of the <#276943065183420416> discord
I didn't make it
but I'll dm you the .png if you want it
i got it thanks tho
yo @tinaVey
@Anticom LR Does this look autistic?
There's deer on our seal.
ahh, got it
why does it look like it have a penis on its back
looks deformed though
i realised thats a snake
I hhate being a cunt biut it dosnt look good :/
Looks like a penis is being rammed through its throat
ew no
@SwedeScania I have never met a swede without a penis fixation.
@Odalist Refrain it looms like a shadow puppet. So yes.
anyone got our logo without the middle symbol, just empty?
We'll stick with the original two.
this I like
We also need a millionaire or billionaire to fund us