Message from @Whats gay anymore

Discord ID: 538919952954949634

2019-01-25 06:25:47 UTC

Show me some Asian bimbo dolls ;3

2019-01-25 06:26:04 UTC

go find one you lazy fuck

2019-01-25 06:26:39 UTC

But that’s effort

2019-01-25 12:24:29 UTC

Everyone loves that red headed doll

2019-01-25 13:42:37 UTC


2019-01-25 13:42:46 UTC

The face is quite detailed

2019-01-25 13:42:56 UTC

Everyone loves detailed dolls

2019-01-26 18:04:44 UTC

Attempting to plant water-applied tattoos on Erith.

Test 1: plastic coating didn't separate from tattoos
Test 2: Tattoos didn't stick at all
Test 3: Tattoo completely set onto the hand, but the wrap around the tattoo refuses to depart from it. Waiting for it to dry to see if the wrap will come off.

2019-01-26 18:06:29 UTC

Update: Nope. Plastic wrap will not separate from the tattoo. I'll try a final test with a larger tattoo and using direct water flow to apply instead of a rag.

2019-01-26 18:41:54 UTC

Update: Same result as the prior test. Wrap is the only thing keeping the ink on the TPE.
Conclusion: [Temporary Tattoo] Ink can not stick onto TPE like it does on human skin.

2019-01-26 18:43:23 UTC

Sharpie might work

2019-01-26 18:52:46 UTC

It can, but I'm not artist. I'd have to trace the tattoos.

2019-01-26 20:06:52 UTC

get a stencil?

2019-01-26 20:45:56 UTC

I've seen tattoos for dolls before. If I find it again then I'll let you know.

2019-01-26 21:41:34 UTC

👌 thanks

2019-01-26 22:09:11 UTC

Update: @GingerSnaps DMed me this link. Will try 2nd set of experiments tonight.

2019-01-26 23:04:42 UTC

good luck with that fam

2019-01-27 02:15:17 UTC

@The Pathfinder Ω I guess I didn't bookmark the tattoos for TPE dolls after all. Sorry bud.

2019-01-27 02:21:19 UTC

It's all good

2019-01-27 03:15:29 UTC

This guy seems to have done it the same way and it worked

2019-01-27 03:16:17 UTC

Maybe a different type of temp tat?

2019-01-27 14:34:24 UTC

@Whats gay anymore Nah, it's the same result. Only the wrap holds it there, not the actual ink can stick to the TPE. So in actuality, temp tattoos work on dolls, but not like they do on humans.

2019-01-30 05:35:35 UTC

Headless piper dolls 👌

2019-01-30 05:35:55 UTC

These fricken faces gimme the heebyjeebies

2019-01-30 06:07:19 UTC

I saw someone who drew a thicc marionette doll, was pretty nice

2019-01-30 12:31:11 UTC

Yo whoever said sexbots by like 2020-2021 is off by like 40-50 years

2019-01-30 12:31:37 UTC

psychedeliccorpsefucker i think

2019-01-30 12:32:01 UTC

but when they come they'll be like legitimate androids

2019-01-30 12:32:11 UTC

truly disruptive tech

2019-01-30 13:20:58 UTC

The closest we can get them is about a decade from now

2019-01-30 13:21:11 UTC

But it'd be the less developed ones

2019-01-30 13:21:28 UTC

The rudimentary versions

2019-01-30 19:13:50 UTC


2019-01-30 19:34:34 UTC

What we can do now is put the spinning robot pussy into dolls. We need to encourage the doll makers to look into this.

2019-01-31 01:36:15 UTC

2019-01-31 01:39:09 UTC

Hey I need a doll that’s Atleast 150 cm tall, and isn’t flat chested because otherwise I’m a pedophile cuz dolls like that are illegal in Australia

2019-01-31 01:39:25 UTC

Legit even just flat chested ones

2019-01-31 02:10:42 UTC

@Happy Humble Hermit not sure if I asked this before, esenias tits; how do they compare to real breasts?

2019-01-31 02:12:24 UTC

i answered that like 10 min ago but they are amazing. i love them. perfect