Message from @Ilya Muromets

Discord ID: 322645861559435266

2017-06-09 07:52:53 UTC  

boomers won't get the JQ largely

2017-06-09 07:53:00 UTC  

he went to high school on long island and graduated in 3 eyars so he could GTFO

2017-06-09 07:53:14 UTC  

even trying is futile and usually just causes dumb arguments with family

2017-06-09 07:53:17 UTC  

lol id jokingly be like "dad, that's racist!" sometimes and he'd try the "hey i'm not racist, there's a black guy at work im friends with...and.."

2017-06-09 07:53:18 UTC  

his family bounced around every few years

2017-06-09 07:53:25 UTC  

i startred to cut him off and be like dad its okay

2017-06-09 07:53:34 UTC  

i hate niggers too

2017-06-09 07:53:38 UTC  

oh, mine will call niggers niggers when they're being niggers

2017-06-09 07:53:57 UTC  

i'd never knowingly met a jew until i went to college

2017-06-09 07:54:15 UTC  

there wasn't a single synagogue in the tri county area I grew up in

2017-06-09 07:54:31 UTC  

and hes like "dont say that word" and i was like "why can they call themselves niggers but we cant? what gives them the right?" and haha ive gotten my dad to start saying nigger again

2017-06-09 07:55:18 UTC  

my mom is like the most straight laced person in the world and somehow has tolerated my brother dad and i this long lol, she's never even been drunk before

2017-06-09 07:55:27 UTC  

said she had a few drinks once and it made her get sick

2017-06-09 07:55:53 UTC  

pretty sure my parents have only had sex twice: to create my brother and i

2017-06-09 07:56:15 UTC  

she's ultimate goober chipper nerd innocent white woman

2017-06-09 07:56:29 UTC  

and works her ass off and makes a lot of money

2017-06-09 07:56:57 UTC  

shes funny. always so chipper i have no idea how she's sane.

2017-06-09 07:57:33 UTC  

lucky, you got to get through your teens without direct jewery

2017-06-09 07:58:28 UTC  

decent amount of jewish kids i grew up with, i went to school with the same people from kingergarten thru senior year

2017-06-09 07:58:52 UTC  

for some reason, the jews, especially the jewesses, could NOT stand me

2017-06-09 07:59:27 UTC  

i started hating jews just because jews were all shitheads to me

2017-06-09 08:00:38 UTC  

my dad would get mad at me for rooting for the nazis in all the ww2 movies

2017-06-09 08:01:32 UTC  

he was a car salesmanmm basically worked 60-70 hours a week, got home, got fucked up, and passed out to a war movie

2017-06-09 08:01:48 UTC  

haha yea, I fell into a pool of them at college though, holy shit

2017-06-09 08:02:06 UTC  

my university was probably ~10% jew

2017-06-09 08:02:39 UTC  

this this is hilarious to think about: i was allowed to watch anything like the simpsons or anything, because "it's degenerate bullshit" but was allowed to watch any war movie with my dad any time he was watching them, starting real young hahaha

2017-06-09 08:02:57 UTC  

i was kinda friends with some for a while, but i always felt like an outsider

2017-06-09 08:03:06 UTC  

now it's all so obvious

2017-06-09 08:03:26 UTC  

yea i watched war movies with my dad

2017-06-09 08:03:29 UTC  

i remember sometimes him catchimg me with cartoons on, raging, id gtfo the room, come back later to a war movie, and he'd be like have a seat! well, get me my fucking ice cream first"

2017-06-09 08:03:58 UTC  

yeah man, it started to make sense in high school

2017-06-09 08:04:31 UTC  

the jews would band together to han out, or be starting school drama, their tribal jew instincts

2017-06-09 08:04:43 UTC  

i was not aware jews are not white at the time

2017-06-09 08:04:55 UTC  

my mom was friends with some jews whos kids i was in school with

2017-06-09 08:05:06 UTC  

"they looked huwhite to me"

2017-06-09 08:05:20 UTC  

i got invited to a few barmitvahs and refused to go

2017-06-09 08:05:43 UTC  

lol that was only something i knew abotu from movies and shit

2017-06-09 08:05:54 UTC  


2017-06-09 08:06:18 UTC  

later it started dawning on me that a lot of the people i hated the most were the jewish ones

2017-06-09 08:06:55 UTC  

took years to fully fully become aware, but i just instinctively did not get along with them ever

2017-06-09 08:07:32 UTC  

yea there was always a weird barrier with the ones i knew in college