Message from @PreschoolFightClub
Discord ID: 531361291009523722
Finished him forever ago but finally posting it at places
@Cordy The Robot I haven't posted anything specifically NSFW on my art pages, mostly because they just wouldn't fit with the rest of my portfolio
but right now I'm doing a commission for a returning client who asks me to draw naked chicks catfighting
not exactly my thing, but it pays and it's a good exercise
I do have a lingering interest in making NSFW art but I'd probably want to make a new acc for that
Alright got it
@Cordy The Robot sorry buddy, havent been super active this week.
Yeah i do, I'll dm you
2 versions of the same song. Pick whichever you like more.
@PreschoolFightClub i prefer the 8-bit version personally. The piano version is good, but would sound better with humanization. With piano and other real instruments (or synthesizers mimicking real instruments), dynamics makes a huge difference. If you listen to any piano ballad, the volume of each note played changes and makes it much more interesting. When playing a real piano, no two notes will be played exactly the same, and tempo/timing will be imperfect. This can be time consuming to emulate in a DAW if you don't use a midi controller, but it can add a lot to a piece if you're willing to put the time in
Velocity and time edits. Got it.
This is one I've been working on for a while. It's a pretty big step away from my usual genres
No wait... what am I saying?
It's supposed to sound midi.
But I still did a time and velocity edit.
I'm not well versed in game ost's, so my two cents might not be very helpful here. You'd probably know better than i would, but I always appreciate the feedback from other perspectives on my music, so i thought I'd throw it out there anyway
Hey. I appreciate any and all feedback too.
Send over the final product when it's done?
Here’s a status effect I made for my game. What do you guys think?
And yes. The explanation is a bit all over the place.
*CDPR would like to know your location*
Is that another game?
CD Projekt Red creators of Cyberpunk 2077
Sorry I'm a technophile/cyberpunk nerd
Eh. You’re fine.
Check out my new channel guys
Did you get botted?
@Eritrean MGTOW try now
What say you?
That’s my new channel