Message from @The-Free-Monk

Discord ID: 532828011674730496

2019-01-09 17:39:34 UTC  


2019-01-09 17:39:45 UTC  

This is funny but please bring it to general text

2019-01-09 17:40:21 UTC  

I'm serious tho 😢

2019-01-09 17:41:10 UTC  

The point is the guys who do that and don't get laid a lot will assume that breathing girls are better. Their imagination is better than the actual reality of it. The point of the trip was to show them it's nothing special.
For an in depth explaination of this idea consider Stardusk's / ThinkingApe's 'religion of sex' video.

2019-01-09 17:42:29 UTC  

Oh, there's a lot of things women do for money

2019-01-09 17:42:32 UTC  

2 girls 1 cup.

2019-01-09 17:42:41 UTC  

But that's not the worst thing I/you seen prob

2019-01-09 17:43:01 UTC  

Guys this is questions chat

2019-01-09 17:43:04 UTC  


2019-01-09 17:46:26 UTC  

The TFM show is on right now. I would rather be paying attention to it rather than dealing with someone trying to argue while not sober. Ill get back to this tonight and you can respond when you clear up.

2019-01-10 07:42:52 UTC  

@Kragt, the IQ comment was meant to highlight that low IQ women will drain you mentally and emotionally a lot more than a normal IQ western woman

2019-01-10 07:43:13 UTC  

i live in the 3rd world (pakistan) and women here expect to be taken care of like children

2019-01-10 07:43:34 UTC  

they are extremely dumb and incompetent and cant really do anything risky

2019-01-10 07:43:59 UTC  

if a women from a poor country is a prostitute, it means her IQ is probably close to 75

2019-01-10 07:44:02 UTC  

or even lower

2019-01-10 07:44:45 UTC  

they also resort to violence more often if they dont get their way all the time

2019-01-10 07:45:48 UTC  

so i was implying that interacting with these women in any way could be risky

2019-01-10 07:46:27 UTC  

also you need to stay away from her family as well, who will try to marry her off to you as desperately as possible

2019-01-10 07:46:53 UTC  

her dad and brother will probably beg you and pester you to marry her and take her to your country

2019-01-10 07:47:26 UTC  

but i dont know a lot about east asia which is probably what you are referring to

2019-01-10 07:48:17 UTC  

I can explain to you why not to deal with prostitutes in South Asian countries like India and Pakistan because i have a lot of info on it

2019-01-10 07:48:29 UTC  

i dont know anything about East Asia though

2019-01-10 07:49:06 UTC  

so in that regard most of what i said doesn't really count

2019-01-10 11:54:32 UTC  

That does help enlighten a few things.
You are correct in that I am referring to Thailand, Cambodia, and the Phillipines when I make my statements and not India or Pakistan.

Most of your points should not apply in general as you should not be with a girl long enough to take care of her, meet her family, or for her lower IQ to drain you. So I agree you should stay away from her family and her personal life.

I will concede that violence is a tiny but possible risk. Just like it is for travel in general.
Petty theft is more likely but still uncommon. Common sense and a few tricks negate most of this, along with going to a place that needs its reputation more as they will take a larger penalty for letting something like that happen (usually a bit pricer but less than 20$ US higher compared to the average place.)

I will also concede that this general idea of travelling to SE Asia to get a guy who has had little or no sex for him to see how unremarkable it is, is possibly only useful for Western men (and Australia). I honestly know nothing of the day to day life of a man in Pakistan and how red pill knowledge would affect him.

Pakistan does have a high fertility rate, and a income compared to most Western nations so at the bare minimum I suspect this choice would be more expensive and less needed and that a different solution would be required.

Thank you very much for your input.

2019-01-10 14:28:58 UTC  

@Kragt @The-Free-Monk
This channel is for questions, not conversations, keep it in <#471844105463529472>

2019-01-10 15:44:37 UTC  

😑 people can't learn to fucking read names sometimes

2019-01-10 15:46:53 UTC  

I need someone to chat with is this the right server ?

2019-01-10 15:48:32 UTC  

This is the right server but not the right channel

2019-01-10 15:59:44 UTC  

@ToastMcGhost where would I go i need some help it’s not an emergency but i would like to talk to someone through text

2019-01-10 16:00:02 UTC  

Hop on up to <#471844105463529472>

2019-01-10 16:00:06 UTC  

Join the fun

2019-01-10 16:00:14 UTC  

Ok thanks m8

2019-01-15 11:10:49 UTC  

@Rhunespire, Sorry, you didn't really mention where questions were supposed to be answered so i assumed you wanted them here

2019-01-15 11:45:40 UTC  

This is the channel where you ask questions that require answers

2019-01-15 20:51:42 UTC  

What is the tourist role and how do I shake it?

2019-01-15 21:54:34 UTC  

Keep contributing and you will evolve

2019-01-16 00:40:07 UTC  

Any ideas on how to get over a waifu? I don’t want to live with her on my back anymore, but I can’t stop thinking about her, any suggestions?

2019-01-16 00:41:13 UTC  

Im pretty sure you were here as a troll. with the troll role before i mean

2019-01-16 00:41:17 UTC  


2019-01-16 00:41:55 UTC  

🤔 🤔

2019-01-16 00:43:21 UTC  

I’ve never been in love like this, it’s scary