Message from @Shaunuss

Discord ID: 495526894641610753

2018-09-29 09:14:58 UTC  

I'm not paing the jizya or being subjugated by an oppressive religious state

2018-09-29 09:18:07 UTC  

@Shaunuss no you don't understand nobody is going to oppress you if by some miracle it's happens in our lifetime you are still going to live the way you live before because it's nobody's business what you want to believe and do if you did something wrong you can only be judged by the Creator on Judgement Day

2018-09-29 09:18:28 UTC  

I don't believe that same thing

2018-09-29 09:19:01 UTC  

@Shaunuss I say this again it is a big sin in Islam to force somebody to do something that they don't want to do

2018-09-29 09:19:15 UTC  

Yeah but heaps of people sin

2018-09-29 09:19:30 UTC  

which means plenty of people will sin against me regardless of what the book says

2018-09-29 09:20:23 UTC  

Listen , War Does Not Determine who is Right or Wrong, it Determines who is Left Standing

2018-09-29 09:21:05 UTC  

@ShaunussDude there is going to be a court system like any other country the Islamic court system is not that different from regular court system

2018-09-29 09:21:31 UTC  

@ZODD I agree

2018-09-29 09:22:25 UTC  

@Shaunuss if somebody is committing a crime against you they're going to be prosecuted

2018-09-29 09:22:43 UTC  

What good does prosecution do if you're lying there dead

2018-09-29 09:22:49 UTC  

or beaten into a vegetative state?

2018-09-29 09:22:55 UTC  

Honestly , i'd rather Have ANOTHER ICE AGE, than Let Feminism Create a CIVIL WAR

2018-09-29 09:23:48 UTC  

@Shaunuss dude the same thing happens everywhere on Earth no matter the religion it is just another part of life you should accept it you can get into accidents everybody knows that

2018-09-29 09:24:04 UTC  

@ZODD again I agree with you

2018-09-29 09:24:55 UTC  

@Shaunuss and just so you can be comfortable punishments in Islam are really harsh

2018-09-29 09:26:35 UTC  


2018-09-29 09:26:37 UTC  

@Shaunuss some people might say Islamic punishments are really barbaric but they are super effective because they are performed in the public so people won't do the same as the criminal has done

2018-09-29 09:26:45 UTC  

You need to understand something

2018-09-29 09:26:54 UTC  

@Shaunussok tell me

2018-09-29 09:26:58 UTC  

Punishments/punitive stuff, that's dark ages nonsense

2018-09-29 09:27:04 UTC  

Nobody abstains from crime due to fear of punishment

2018-09-29 09:27:12 UTC  

it's intelligence and enlightenment that civilises people

2018-09-29 09:27:34 UTC  

we don't need religion and barbarism to keep people under control, that doesn't work it just perpetuates a society of fear

2018-09-29 09:27:48 UTC  

we need people to develop interests beyond being base

2018-09-29 09:28:31 UTC  

@Shaunuss yeah well that is something else that we believe in Islam that when something happens to you it is just another test from God to see how strong are you

2018-09-29 09:28:38 UTC  

A shame we will probably never re-experience the golden age of islamic science, where they were more secular and studied in tandem with the west. Remember, some of the most critical texts to Western philosophy from Greece were preserved by islamic scholars

2018-09-29 09:29:10 UTC  

@Rotund Goys I know right what the fuck have we done I am ashamed of my own people

2018-09-29 09:30:35 UTC  

If you're not already familiar with Imam Tawhidi, he has some really good content on these topics

2018-09-29 09:30:56 UTC  

very balanced view on how islam should be practiced

2018-09-29 09:31:01 UTC  

@Rotund Goys I will make sure to look him up thank you

2018-09-29 09:31:07 UTC  

islamic science? what did they invent?

2018-09-29 09:31:28 UTC  

Some were credited as being the first to refine optics

2018-09-29 09:31:48 UTC  

for example a rudimentary magnifying glass

2018-09-29 09:31:52 UTC  

@ZODD you should research that for yourself you would be surprised

2018-09-29 09:32:28 UTC  

effective beheading methods

2018-09-29 09:32:31 UTC  


2018-09-29 09:32:38 UTC  

all civilizations share that

2018-09-29 09:32:41 UTC  

@ZODD we've had mathematicians and philosophers and Travelers ......

2018-09-29 09:34:06 UTC  

@Shaunuss actually they used to Stone people for certain crimes

2018-09-29 09:34:20 UTC  

Did they invent Time Travel , and Said Fuck it, and ***just Left***