Rotund Goys

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Only the best

wouldnt have anything else

Aye, same here

They'll never defeat me

@Kazemaru I do hope you won't join the evil ranks of Monsanto

No doubt haha

Very interesting

@Lilu with MGTOW you might not have to wait to retire. Plenty of mgtow's retiring at 35-40

Grant me the power of the meme and I will bring more keks to this chat than ever before

I guess we just can't handle a real woman

How many bullets must we dodge

watching feminism slowly devour itself

Don't. Feed. The. Trolls.

Who hurt you?

A shame we will probably never re-experience the golden age of islamic science, where they were more secular and studied in tandem with the west. Remember, some of the most critical texts to Western philosophy from Greece were preserved by islamic scholars

If you're not already familiar with Imam Tawhidi, he has some really good content on these topics

very balanced view on how islam should be practiced

Some were credited as being the first to refine optics

for example a rudimentary magnifying glass


all civilizations share that

Imo, the house of Saud allying with religious extremists in the 18th century, to gain political power, was the grave turning point; that's how Wahhabism became mainstream

Its a complicated history, like most civilizations

>not wanting a ridiculously exaggerated ass

What are you, a breast man?

I wonder where that happened

lmao @ the girl chasing her at the end

After the 10 second mark his arms.exe stopped working

Guys, watching blue pill simp behavior has to be one of the most entertaining pass times ever. I'm gonna find some classic vids

rip World Peace

they shut it down hard

Some people practice monk mode in cycles, with times in between where non-monk things are done

@machtyn got mine done recently, 733

buy a shitbox car and fix it up

100 points for every thot you hit on the roads

Endocrinologist. They may be skeptical at first after doing a general physical exam; with enough negotiation they usually fold and give you the sign off.

General's can give the sign off too but I've always had a hard time convincing them that its even worthwhile



Chinese medicine recommends slightly cooking things to release the most... idk how true that is though

It's all cyclical, if we have gone into a trough in the last 80 years, then an improvement must be close

Trump keeps them in check


I don't want a sellout rino republican though

No one wants another Bush

The era of anti-PC Presidents... I like this notion

Unfortunate as it is, *real* democracy only works effectively in homogenous societies. This isn't a popular opinion but Aristotle hit the nail on the head when he theorised it

@Rhunespire US is a republic but uses democratic elections

as if HHH is a virgin

oh lmao




that's how Mike Tyson says fag: thag

Real talk; what's disadvantageous about soliciting a prostitute?

as long as they're clean and not exorbitantly expensive

Damn boomers will be the death of us all


from whores? are you kidding me, even they're jumping on the metoo bandwagon???

Yeah I've heard about Turbo Gonhorreah

I've never liked coffee

cold shower wake me right up


Love me some hog

not that kind though

Useless now other than for very specific jobs (medical, STEM etc.)

That being said, if you get invited to Harvard on a scholarship then definitely take it.

But donโ€™t get sold on the snake oil of some obscure uni in Nebraska saying you can actually do something with the piece of paper they give you after 4-7 years

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